Are You Okay Mikleo?

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         Sorey and his group had just finshed a tough battle. All being exhausted, weak, drowsy, drained, hungry, and just down right tired. So instead of going back to Lady Lake like they usually would, they decided they would stay in the town they were already in for the time being. They didn't know how long they would stay but they just needed sleep.
They stayed at an inn where they were the only residents at the time. The inn keeper was a kind old woman who didn't even bat an eyelash at the fact that Sorey and Alisha ordered four more dinners then theirs. She also didn't care that they got four extra rooms as well. It was peaceful there.
     Everyone ate and headed straight to bed, only saying halfhearted 'goodnights' to each other.
    The night passed quickly, everyone sleeping soundly, except for one. There was one from the group who couldn't sleep; for the nightmares that awaited him in his dreams. Those alone kept him awake all night. But nobody in the group had noticed yet.
    The next morning the girls decided to go shopping around town leaving Zaveid, Sorey, and Mikleo alone at the inn.
Zaveid decided he needed a drink and went to get some from the kitchen, luckily for him the inn keeper wasn't there at the moment so he wouldn't be caught, but that would leave Sorey and Mikleo alone.
Usually this wouldn't be a problem, the two loved having time with just the two of them. But Sorey had turned towards Mikleo to talk, only to see his eyes drooping, but not closing.
"Mikleo, did you get any sleep last night?" Mikleo didn't respond. Sorey got up and placed his hand on Mikleo's shoulder making Mikleo jump and shrieked a little.
"Mikleo I asked you a question but you didn't respond."
"Oh, I'm sorry. What did you need?"
"I wanted to know if you had gotten any sleep last night."
"Umm, yeah, I got sleep... It's just that I was lost in thought. That's all."
Sorey could tell he was lying, he was paler than usual and he had dark circles under his eyes. But he knew if he pressed more it might make Mikleo annoyed, and he wasn't going to get anywhere if that happened, so he left it at that.
But two nights later he was awoken by a muffled scream. He peaked out his door, to see Mikleo open and close his room door. Mikleo had his staff, bow, and was fully dressed. Now Sorey was really interested in what Mikleo was up to.
He followed Mikleo to the edge of a forest and a little in before he had lost Mikleo and decided to head back. He hadn't realized that Mikleo could see him. He had led him in the forest and hid behind a tree waiting for him to give up and leave. When he did he begun what he had done every night for almost a month now.
He practiced. His nightmares were so bad that he feared sleeping. So he trained instead.
"I need to get stronger anyway... sleep is just a waste of time." He would tell himself over and over.
Convincing himself that this was normal and he wasn't getting scarily thin. That he wasn't as pale as a ghost. That he wasn't slowly losing energy and that it was hard for him to do much. Yet he pushed himself to look and come off fine. He didn't want to burden anybody with his problems
The next night Mikleo did the same thing as last night. Except this time he didn't notice Sorey following him. That's why Sorey almost got stuck with an arrow in his chest. He had scared Mikleo.
He had been watching from the trees and decided to talk to Mikleo. Not the brightest idea. After he had gotten over the scare and realized it was just Sorey, he lowered his bow and stood normally again.
          "Hello, Sorey."
          "Hey Mikleo. What are you doing out here so late?"
          "I could ask you the same thing." He was obviously trying to avoid the topic.
          "Mikleo, please... we're worried about you, I'm worried about you."
          "Sorey, you're worrying over nothing, I'm-"
          "Don't you dare say your fine. I know your not. I can see the dark circles under your eyes, how pale you are, and how you eat less and less. Please... tell me what's wrong."
          "Ok fine, it's just- just that-" He began to shake and look down, finding the ground suddenly fascinating. He started to speak again.
          "It's just that I feel weak Sorey. I know am the weakest one here. I can't even do anything on my own."
          "Mikleo that's not true. Your one of the strongest people I know. Yeah, sure maybe your not the best on the battlefield, but your extremely smart and kind. You are not weak Mikleo."
Sorey walked over and wrapped his arms around Mikleo, the smaller boy tensing for a second, then relaxing in his best friends arms.
"Thank you Sorey, really... Thank you for everything..." Mikleo mumbled the last part and felt himself finally relax for the first time in a while. Then promptly passed out in Sorey's arms.
"Mikleo?!" He looked down at Mikleo, he was sweating, his face was flushed, and he had dropped his staff and bow. He picked up Mikleo and carried him back to their inn. He would come back for Mikleo's stuff later. He didn't have the key to Mikleo's room so he put Mikleo on his bed. He didn't know what was happening so he woke up Lailah since she was a seraph.
She had followed Sorey to his room and took a look at Mikleo. She didn't say anything, she only left and came back with a wet rag and medical supplies.
"So... will he be ok?" He was worried sick.
"He will be fine Sorey, you can breath." He let out a long sigh of relief.
"It seems he hasn't been getting enough sleep or been eating enough, and we seraph don't need to eat or sleep a lot. But that is what brought on this fever. Just keep an eye on him, kept his temperature level, and have him eat and drink as much as he can when he is awake."
"Got it, I'll make sure I do." And that's what he did. Through half the night he watched Mikleo, changing his rag from time to time.
          Halfway through the night Mikleo stirred.
          "What happened?"
          "I found you in the forest, we talked, you passed out, and now you have a fever. And how are you feeling?"
          "Oh now I remember. Also I'm feeling fine."
          "Thats good, you know, you scared me tonight." He changed Mikleo's rag as Mikleo spoke.
          "I did?"
          "Of course you did! What else would happen when the person you love passes out in you arms?!" He had rambled on, not realizing what he had said.
"Wait Sorey, you love me?" He froze. It then hit him what he had said.
"Well... I mean- I do. But, if- you know-" He started rambling different words and phrases.
"Sorey calm down. It's a good thing you love me because I've loved you since we were kids. I loved being friends, but I guess I wanted something more."
"Yeah me too."
They both sat there in silence until they started to laugh. They had just confessed to each other in the weirdest way. When they settled down Sorey leaned over Mikleo and kissed his forehead, it was cooler, his fever had gone down.
Sorey was walking to leave so Mikleo could rest, but stopped near the door.
"I love Sorey, thank you, for everything." Sorey turned back around hugging Mikleo again, then turning to leave.
He was almost out of the door when he whispered an 'I love you too', back to the already asleep Mikleo.


~1,327 words~
~Random idea that popped into my head~

~1,327 words~~Random idea that popped into my head~

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