His Paradise?

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"When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
Every time she closed her eyes"

Sorey loved virtual reality. If he couldn't reach in real life he definitely could in VR. It took him to places he would have never of thought of going, worlds aways form his, as far away as he wanted. The people he met in these worlds were amazing to him as well.
Especially a certain boy named, LR_Seraph, otherwise know as Mikleo, as Sorey came to know him.
Whenever life was pounding down on him or he was feeling miserable he could join on Tales of Zestiria and met up with Mikleo and lift his spirits.

"When she was just a girl she expected the world
But it flew away from her reach and the bullets catch in her teeth
Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly every tear a waterfall
In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly"

     On a particularly dismal day with a school full of hateful kids and an evening of homework with parents that didn't care, Sorey needed a break from it all.
     He loaded up Tales of Zestiria on his computer and plugged in his headset while grabbing his controllers.
    He threw on the headset and closed his eyes. He opened them a few seconds later to a beautiful field with a city walls in the distance.
     He could vaguely see the outline of a familiar face and took off sprinting.

"And dream of para-para-paradise
She'd dream of para-para-paradise
And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I know the sun must set to rise"

     "Mikleo!" Sorey jumped towards the other boy, knocking them both over.
     "It's nice to see you again Sorey," Mikleo laughed with Sorey lying on top of him.
     They helped each other up off the dirt road and headed in towards the guild building in the middle of town.
     "How have you been?" Mikleo asked as they strolled through town.
     "It's been fine lately nothing much changes." Sorey looked at the other players and the npcs wall around as well, it was so real.
     "Doesn't sound as if it's been alright."
     "I'll tell you all about it after see what's going on with the guild alright?"
    "Of course." Sorey thought Mikleo was so- so, sophisticated.
    He might have been younger than Sorey but he was more experienced at the game and always seemed to stay cool under pressure. He always knew what to do with Sorey to make him feel upbeat again.
     They reached the guild and walked up to the table they always met up when one of them joined the game.
     "Hey Meeks! Hey Sorey! Over here!" Zevid, the team's tank, called them over.
     "Hey guys! What's everyone up to?"
     "Welp, Meeks here got the notification you were joining the game and had us all meet up here."  Edna, the team's thief and second best one on the sever, said while pocking Mikleo with her umbrella.
     "Ah, yes, I- Mikleo, called you all here to meet up because our Kight here is feeling a bit down so I prepose as the team leader we go on a quest!"
     Everyone cheered at the table, they loved going on quests. Sorey looked over to Mikleo and thanked him silently.
     Their team was ranked first in the guild but tied for first in the game overall. ShepardPurity and Hellion'sCreation were always fighting over dominance over first place.
     So as they went out for their quest they knew it wouldn't be to hard. They took an A class request and set off.
     They blew through the quest with no problem.
     Mikleo working with Sorey as a Archer-Knight pair dealing damage from the right while Zevid and Dezel worked as a Barbarian and Mage team shooting from the left.
     Edna worked to protect Lailah their healer  from smaller enemies, well small to her anyways.
     Alisha and Rose worked as warriors to deal hits from the center.
    By the time everything was over and they had spilt the reward amongst themselves Sorey's terrible had turned into a great one.
     Unfortunately so after Sorey the clock from the menu screen, it was past eleven.
     "Sorry guys I gotta log off."
     "It's totally fine we're all login off soon to so see you later man." Zevid said.
     Just as Sorey was leaving Mikleo waved and said,
     "See you later Sorey." Sorey waved back already missing them all.
     He unplugged everything and fell asleep, back in dreary real life.

"This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh, oh
This could be para-para-paradise
This could be para-para-paradise
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

     The next he went to school, passing through the hallways noticed as always.
     That's is until he saw  a poster that caught his eyes, it read: RPG Gaming Club! Come and join us today after school!
     Sorey was nervous, his parents wouldn't care he would be late home, they wouldn't even notice, but how would people there like him?
     Not many kids knew Sorey at school and the ones that did were, less than kind, to him.
     Would these kids like him?
     Well he would just have to go and see. This was one of his only chances to make friends, he was taking it.
     So after school he walked into the library and headed to the computer section. As he turned the corner he saw seven other kids, all varying in looks and height.
     "Hel- hello."
     "Why hello there! You here to see us, the best club in the whole school!"
     "You're going to scare him away." The shortest girl whacked him with an umbrella.
     "Wait you guys sound familiar, Zevid? Edna?" Sorey stood up straighter and looked at them.
     "Huh? Yeah that's us. Wait, Sorey?" Ends said astonished.
      "Hey man! We didn't know you went here."
     "To be fair we all didn't we went here either."
     "So all of you are here?"
     "Of course."
     Zevid went around introducing all of them, Enda again, Rose, Dezel, Alisha, Laila, and of course club president, Mikleo.
     "Nice to finally meet you Sorey."
     "Yeah you to Mikleo."
     Mikleo had been the first person Sorey had ever met online and he was just as awesome. Though Sorey had to admit Mikleo was beautiful in real life.
     He took a seat next to Mikleo and they started the first meeting.
     Sorey and Mikleo grew ever closer as they talked and found more similarities in each other.
     Maybe real life would be better because of virtual reality, maybe Sorey's life would start moving for the better again.


~1,226 Words~
~So this isn't really Sormik more like Sorey, sorry for that, I just haven't had many ideas lately and have had a hard time getting inspired, I'll be back with the two cuties together soon~
You're all a-freakin-mazing

SorMik One-Shots (Sorey x Mikleo) Where stories live. Discover now