More Than Just Friends?

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This chapter is pretty much just a lot of smut, so if you don't like this kinda of thing please just skip this chapter.


Nothing had seemed off about that  day, Mikleo and Sorey sitting in Mikleo's bedroom reading ancient books and the Celestial Record, like they would always do. But one thing was off today.
Mikleo was reading an old book about a ruin they might go explore soon. He felt something bore into the back of his neck, an intense stare.
The only other one in the room with him was Sorey and every time Mikleo's would turn towards him Sorey would be reading his book. Mikleo just shook it off as him being a little off from staying up so late last night trying to find Sorey after he had run off to a ruin without Mikleo again.
A few minutes passed as Mikleo still felt that someone was staring at him. Sorey broke the silence.
"Yes?" Mikleo kept his attention on his book.
"Do you think we can talk for a little?" The way Sorey said it, it sounded quiet and- and a little scared? Nervous? That had gotten Mikleo's attention.
Sorey got up and walked a little awkwardly towards Mikleo's bed before sitting next to Mikleo.
"What would you like to talk about Sorey?" Mikleo gave a small smile, Sorey blushed.
"Well- I wanted to talk about something- but- but umm, well it might change things and I-"
"Change things?" Mikleo was utterly confused, what would change from a single question?
"Just tell me, you can trust me."
"Promise no matter what will always be friends?"
"Unless you've hurt someone or done something illegal, I think we'll be just fine." Mikleo chuckled a little and Sorey had a small smile on his face now.
"Well, here goes nothing- Mikleo we've been best friends since we were babies, we've grown up together, and well I love being you're best friend but I want to be more." Sorey was bright red and Mikleo was tinted a light pink but hadn't fully understood.
"More than friends?"
"Mikleo I want to be yours, I want you to be mine, I want you to be my boyfriend." Now both boys were cherry red.
It was a minute of suffocating silence before Mikleo flung himself into a tight hug with Sorey. Sorey was stunned but hugged back quickly after.
"So what do you think? Can I be you're boyfriend?"
"Of course you can, I couldn't think of anyone better." Mikleo pecked Sorey on the lips, but Sorey wanted more.
Sorey laid Mikleo back down as he was on top of and straddled him, reconnecting their lips in a more passionate kiss.
Sorey pulled away for air,
"Mikleo this may be a little fast but I want to have you, not as just a boyfriend but I want to touch you and I want you to touch me."
They were back to blushing as red as cherries before Mikleo grabbed Sorey's head and pulled him down for another passionate, lust-filled, kiss.
When they pulled away again, Mikleo's usually bright amethyst eyes were clouded with lust.
"Sorey you're not the only one, I've wanted you for so long but I thought you would only ever see me as a friend, I want this too."
That's all Sorey needed to hear. This was both of there first times, it would be new to them but they both wanted to do this, they wanted each other.
Sorey kissed Mikleo again, this time rougher and sloppier, nibbling on Mikleo's lower lip to get permission. Mikleo opened his mouth and Sorey's tongue pushed into his mouth. Mikleo let out a little moan, the sound going strait to Sorey's lower region.
Sorey and Mikleo's tongues swirled around is each other's mouths, feeling every part and crevice of each other's warm caverns. Mikleo tasted sweet to Sorey and Sorey was refreshing to Mikleo.
Sorey slowly moved down to kiss Mikleo's neck, leaving red spots all over it as he took off his own shirt and Mikleo's top and tossed them onto the floor somewhere.
He sucked on a spot by Mikleo's collar bone and Mikleo let out a loud clipped moan. Sorey sucked repeatedly on that spot, each time Mikleo making louder and sweeter moans that were going right down to Sorey's groin.
Sorey moved down to Mikleo's pale chest and started to play with Mikleo's right nipple while he sucked on and bit the left nipple. By the time he was done, Mikleo's nipples were perked up and red, and Mikleo was panting, looking down at him with half lidded eyes.
He kissed Mikleo again, looking at him and silently asking for permission. Mikleo could only nod, seeing as he didn't trust his mouth any more.
Both of them still had their pants on before Sorey quickly pulled both of their pants off throwing them onto the floor as well.
Sorey was hesitate at first but soon forgot all hesitation as he stroked Mikleo's dick through the thin cloth between it and his hand.
"Sorey..." Mikleo moaned his name and Sorey felt himself throb.
Sorey started to rub and palm Mikleo a little harder and faster.
"Sorey... Sorey...!" Mikleo was chanting his name in quiet moans and it was really going to drive Sorey off the edge.
With one more look up towards Mikleo to make sure he was okay with this, getting a short nod again, he slipped off Mikleo and his own boxers. Leaving them both exposed, their dicks throbbing, wanting- needing to be touched.
Sorey grabbed his own and Mikleo's dick in his hand and pushed them together. Both moaned at the contact.
Slowly, Sorey started to pump them both at a steady pace. Both grew rock hard and Sorey pumped them faster.
"Sorey... oh god... ah...!" Mikleo was a panting moaning mess and they weren't even to the best part yet. But hearing and seeing Mikleo, the most controlled person he knew, come undone like that by his touch turned him on.
"Sorey... go.. faster- harder!" Sorey obliged without a second thought. His hand pumped them both faster and harder, it going up and down in time with his breath.
Sorry knew he was close, he could tell Mikleo was to.
"Sorey... I'm going to-!"
"It's okay me too-!" Sorey leaned down and kissed Mikleo, with a few more pumps they both came onto their chests, Mikleo with a shout of Sorey's name.
Mikleo looked tired but Sorey wasn't done.
Sorey reached over to his pants and pulled out a small bottle of bluish-clear liquid.
"What is that Sorey?"
"It's something that will help what happens next come easier." Sorey had bought it the other day when no one was watching him.
Sorey leaned down and kissed Mikleo on the head once again asking for permission. Mikleo nodded not sure how this would go. Sorey was focused on making sure Mikleo wasn't in any pain and wasn't doing anything he didn't want to.
Sorey opened the small bottle and poured some of it onto his hand, it was freezing. He warmed it up a little before pushing his middle finger into Mikleo's tight hole.
Mikleo gasped at the new, odd sensation, he didn't hate it, it felt really good, but it hurt a little.
Sorey pushed his finger in deeper and stopped once it was completely in letting Mikleo get used to the feeling.
When Mikleo loosened a little Sorey starting to thrust his finger in and out of Mikleo.
For Mikleo it hurt a little but it was soon over come by pleasure.
"Ah! Ah! Sorey!"
Sorey decided to take that as a sign and added a second finger, scissoring and thrusting in and out of Mikleo.
Soon he added a third finger, curling and bending them inside and finally finding the bundle of nerves that made Mikleo arch his back and moan louder than he had before.
Sorey thrusted his fingers again and again in that spot driving Mikleo crazy.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahh! Sorey! Sorey!"
Sorey continued for a little longer before he pulled his fingers out, Mikleo whined at the loss. They would soon be replaced by something that would give him much more pleasure.
Sorey opened the small bottle again and coated his own dick in the liquid, pumping it a few times until it was hard and throbbing. Sorey rubbed some on Mikleo's hole again just in case.
Sorey spread Mikleo's legs on either side of him and then put them on his shoulders. Sorey lined up his throbbing dick to Mikleo's hole before slow pushing into Mikleo while holding his hips in place.
Mikleo gasped, it stung as he was stretched out by Sorey's big length and he felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. Sorey paused, letting him get used to his size before moving.
It used all of his control, but Sorey managed to slow down and stop when Mikleo needed to adjust. Finally he started to thrust at a slow pace.
Sorey just hoped he had enough willpower to go at a slow pace for Mikleo, he might lose control at how good Mikleo felt.
As Sorey started to pick up the pace, he hit Mikleo's prostrate again and it drove Mikleo mad, both of them were moaning each other names mixing them with their panting.
"Sorey! Sorey! Ah! Right there! Plaease! Harder! Faster!"
"Mikleo... oh god... you feel great! Ah! Ah! Mikleo!"
Sorey took Mikleo's dick in his hand and stared to pump Mikleo as he thrusted into him, it was all to much for Mikleo.
The feeling of him giving Sorey pleasure, Sorey filling him with his dick, Sorey pumping him, it was all Sorey.
"Sorey! I'm goin- to- to-!" Sorey kept thrusting into Mikleo, harder and fast each time, but squeezed Mikleo's dick.
"We'll- cum- cum together... just hold- on-!" Sorey thrusted as fast and as hard as he could into Mikleo, losing all control, when he felt him self coming close he started pumping Mikleo's dick again and soon Mikleo was close to. Both boys were in heaven, they were with the one they loved, joined by body.
Sorey kept thrusting into Mikleo and pumping him, they both felt that pull in their stomach and knew they were close.
"Sorey! Sorey! More! Please! I'm- I'm- close- I'm goin to- soon! Ah!"
"I know... I'm close to..! Ah! Mikleo!" As they were about to release Sorey leaned down next to Mikleo's ear.
"Cum for me Mikleo."
"Ah! Ah! Sorey!"
That sent Mikleo over the edge as well as Sorey when he heard Mikleo scream his name as he rode out his orgasm. Sorey came inside Mikleo and Mikleo came on their chests.
Sorey pulled out of Mikleo and laid down to Mikleo. He looked down at the white haired seraph and took in just how beautiful he looked.
     Mikleo was painting slightly, his hair damp and stuck to his head with sweat, his face flush, his lip swollen and red, and those amazing amethyst eyes fluttering.
     Sorey leaned over and kissed Mikleo's head, Mikleo's smile growing.
     They didn't bother to clean up, they would in the morning, Gramps was out until tomorrow so they were fine.
Mikleo moved so his head was on Sorey's chest, Sorey's heart was beating really fast. But Mikleo was zoned out until Sorey called his name.
"Are you okay Mikleo? I kind of lost control at the end there."
"I'm fine, amazing to be honest." They both had wide grins and were content.
They were together and closer than ever now and they couldn't be more happy.
They knew they would never just be friends again.


~1954 words~
~This one is long and I was bright red while writing it, I hope enjoyed this new one-shot, also this is my first time writing something like this~

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