How Are You Always Like This?

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     Sorey will admit he's not the most logical or safe person on the battlefield. But when Mikleo was about hit by a Hellion, because he was trying to get up from a previous attack and couldn't see it, Sorey lost all thoughts except to save him.
     Mikleo was his best friend and had stayed by his side through everything. Even the really stupid and dangerous times. Mikleo cared and worried over him like no one else.
     That's why even as he felt the Hellion's destructive strike right to his chest, Sorey didn't regret his choice to save the one who was and will always be by his side.
     Mikleo on the other hand always thought Sorey was an idiot. Especially when he steps in front of him during the middle of the battle.
     "Sorey what are you do-!"
     Mikleo was going to reprimand him. His words died out on the tip on his tongue as he saw the Hellion strike.
     Mikleo managed to get up quicker and ran while slightly tripping trying to get to Sorey.
     He fell to his knees beside the heavily injured shepherd.
     "Sorey, what were you thinking!?"
     "That I had to save you..." Sorey's voice trailed off into a cough.
     Mikleo looked over him quickly. There was a gash that spread from his right shoulder, across his chest, to the middle of his left arm.
     He looked up and saw that everyone was still busy with Hellions. Lailah managed to finish hers first after feeling that something was wrong with the young Sheperd.
     Lailah reached them and got down onto her knees on the other side of Sorey.
"Sorey! Mikleo! What happened?!"
Mikleo shakily explained everything that happened to her.
"And- and now, I- he-"
"Its alright Mikleo breathe... Let's try some combined moves for healing so we can at least give him time until we get him back to the inn."
Mikleo nodded and focused on healing waters. Lailah focused on putting heat in the water and strengthening the healing. Edna would be best at healing but she was still busy with Hellions and the rest of their team.
When it was strong enough to have an effect they placed the converge onto Sorey.
Sorey had a little consciousness left and flinched at the hot water before settling back down.
Mikleo didn't want to cause Sorey any more pain but he knew this was the best quickest way to stop the bleeding and start to mend the wound.
They did this until the Hellions were all finished off and the rest of the team could help take Sorey back to the inn.
Once they got back they placed Sorey on a bed and Edna and Alisha got to work trying to patch him up.
Mikleo and Rose tried their best to patch up the rest of the team's minor injuries.
After about an hour of patching up the team' cuts, scratches, and bruises, and another half an hour of worried pacing in front of the door, Edna and Alisha came out of the room.
"He will recover just fine."
"You can start breathing Meeks." Edna scoffed towards him. In all honesty, the earth seraph had been worried too but she would never show that.
Mikleo's legs gave out from the relief, Zevid caught him and put him in a chair close by.
"We just have to keep an eye on him."
"I can watch him. Besides everyone else here still has injuries from the battle. Lailah and I tried our best to patch them up but you should still check them over." Mikleo had spoken for the first time since they got to the inn.
"That's fine. He's sleeping right now. Just change his bandages every two hours and keep the cloth on his head cool," Alisha instructed softly.
"Got it," Mikleo replied numbly.
Mikleo walked into the room and guilt rushed through him. He couldn't stand the sight of the usually energetic and adventurous boy, so still and pale.
Mikleo walked over slowly and took a seat next to the bed. He grabbed Sorey's hand and clasped it between his own two.
Two hours passed with no movement from the two. Zevid, Dezel, Rose, and Alisha had left to go get more supplies.
It was time for Sorey's bandages to be changed so Mikleo got up and let go of Sorey's hand to go get more of them.
He sat all the medical supplies on the table next to the bed and took his seat again.
Mikleo moved Sorey a little so he could reach the end of his bandages and started to unwrap it. He felt himself cringe as he took off the last layer and saw the wound fully once again. He steadied his breathing before continuing.
     He rewrapped the cloth on Sorey's head before going but to the new bandages. He started to wrap them and did so slowly after another, making sure they were perfect.
     Halfway through applying them, Sorey started to wake.
     The water seraph didn't notice when his eyes fluttered open because he was so focused. Though he did notice when a hand grabbed his arm. He jumped back slightly wide-eyed.
     "I didn't... mean to scare you, Meeks." Sorey said slowly out of breath already.
     "It's alright. Are you feeling okay?" Mikleo recollected himself and started to wrap again.
     "Yeah just sore. It feels like there are a few bricks laying on my chest." Sorey laughed dryly.
     "I'm sorry Sorey. I- If I just would've-"
     "Hey, hey, hey... it's fine! I'm fine. I promise so don't go blaming yourself."
     An uncomfortable silence fell on them and Sorey hated it. He knew Mikleo was still blaming himself and overthinking things still. He could see the seraph's hands shaking as he moved them gently. So Sorey decided to speak again.
     "Hey, Mikleo!"
     "Yes, Sorey?" Mikleo didn't look up but paid attention to what he was saying.
     "You know I thought that battle would dragon on forever." Sorey laughed and faked rolling his eyes. It was funny to him because one of the Hellions earlier was a dragon.
     But to Mikleo it was a breaking point. He stopped and put down his hands on the edge of the bed.
     Sorey had noticed Mikleo had stopped moving and worried he had only made everything worse. He propped himself up on one arm. He saw tears falling from Mikleo's bowed head.
     "Oh! Meeks! I didn't-!" He didn't know what to do.
     "How do you-? How can you still joke? You almost died today because- because of me! I almost lost you because I couldn't get up fast enough and didn't notice that stupid Hellion! I couldn't even heal you properly! I- I- was so useless..."
     Sorey could only stare at him as he talked getting and louder and louder until his words fell short.
     It didn't matter to Sorey if it hurt, he got up and hugged the crying boy tightly around the waist. Mikleo wrapped his arm loosely around Sorey's shoulders. Sorey just let him cry. He hadn't met to make him cry, just lights the mood, try and take Mikleo's mind off of everything.
     Instead, Mikleo finally broke after holding everything in for so long. He clutched to Sorey with weak arms and never wanted to let go.
     "Mikleo... shh... it's alright. I'm right here." Sorey patted and rubbed his head.
     Mikleo hiccuped and sniffled as he pulled away.
     "I have to- to finish applying these," Mikleo said gesturing to the almost finished bandages.
     "Alright. But! You have to promise to lay with me after." Sorey smirked as Mikleo hid his slightly pink face.
     "We'll see. Now lay back down." Sorey chuckled and did what he was told.
     Mikleo finished the last few layers of wrapping and put away his supplies. He turned around and paused for a moment.
     He thought for a while before gingerly climbing over Sorey, avoiding his chest where his wound was, and laid next to him.
     Sorey took his cloth off his head and placed it on the stand next to the bed.
     Before Mikleo could protest, Sorey turned to back to face him and wrapped Mikleo in his arms.
     Mikleo melted into Sorey's embrace and let his head rest softly on Sorey's lower chest.
     Sorey put his head on top of Mikleo's and kissed the top of his head.
     After everyone returned from shopping and put everything away with the others, they went to check on Sorey.
     What they found upon opening the door was a water seraph and a Sheperd tangled up together in a bed.
     Lailah couldn't help but smile at how much Mikleo and Sorey looked cuddled up with each other. Edna was just planning all the ways she could tease poor Meeks after they awoke later.
     But for now, they let the two get the peaceful rest they needed.


~1,481 words~
~Sorry it's been forever! But I'm on a long weekend break so I finally had the time to update. This is one-shot based on the prompt before the story. I read it and immediately thought Sormik~

I found this picture on Pinterest and it's literally perfect for this fic~Shipwhatever

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I found this picture on Pinterest and it's literally perfect for this fic

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