Chapter 15

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Abby's POV

 When Sebastian and I got back for our date, I was so cold, I ran to the shower and took and nice long shower. Then I got on a multicoloured sweater and black leggings. I laid on the bed waiting for Sebastian to get out of the shower.

After he got in bed and both of us were falling asleep, I started to think about Noah and Charlie.  I think I want to visit Noah, and I want Sebastian to visit Charlie. I want to find my dad. I used to be mad at him cause I thought he left us but then I was told he was kidnapped. 


Can my life get any better? No? Of course not.

Then I drifted off to sleep.

*In the morning*

I woke up on a mission. I wanted to see Noah. 

" Sebastian get up" I shook him, trying to get him to wake up.

" I want to see Noah,...........and I want you to talk to Charlie, about my dad." Then his eyes shot open. Bingo.

" Please, I won't be anywhere near the cells." 

"Fine, only for a few minutes."

" Thank you" I smiled and gave him and kiss on the cheek and got off the bed. Which Sebastian responded by pushing me into a wall and kissing me with no mercy. Which also delayed us for a few minutes.

After I got dressed, I went to the infirmary to see Noah. I don't know why but I found out I am having trouble calling Noah my brother. When my dad was taken, Noah kind of shut himself off from the world. Then when Charlie came, Noah got more protective and even more when Sebastian got closer to me too. 

I got to Noah's room and knocked on the door. 


"Hey, how are you feeling Noah?" 

"Better now that you're here" I laughed and smiled.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on you and wanted to ask you if you know where dad is? I want to find him." I said quietly and saw Noah tense up. He breathed deeply.

" I only know he's in a warehouse. That's all Charlie would tell me and he never let me know where." 

" I just can't believe all this drama happened just because Charlie wanted to get closer to me. Okay, thanks for the info. "

" Your welcome, bye little sis." I smile and start to tear up as I walk to the door. 

Then I decided I had to do something that Sebastian is gonna be really mad at me for.

I have to talk to Charlie.

* Sebastian's POV*

After Abby left, I rolled out of bed and I got dressed. I told Abby I would visit Charlie, and I really don't want to. Not cause I am scared or anything, it's just that I know if I see his face, I am gonna want to punch him. Really hard.

I walk to the end of the end of the cells and take a long, deep breath.

" Well look what the cat dragged in," Charlie said with a scratchy voice.

" I want you to tell me where Abby's dad is." 

"Abby, such a beautiful girl," He said with a smile on his face.

" Her dad, Charlie. Tell me about her dad." I took a long breath and tried to control myself.

" I will only talk to Abby." I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out. I wanted to punch him. But I know Abby hates it when I do it. 

I walk to the door to see Abby standing at the door. 

" I want to talk to him" 

" No"

" I want to find my father, Sebastian"

" No" 

" Please, you can watch through the cameras. He won't tell me anything if you're there."

"No Abb-"


I had to admit, it was hot to see her get angry. But I washed all the dirty thoughts away. 


I walk straight out and walk to the camera room.

*Abby's POV*

I walk to his cell and I look at his scary body. 

"Well, hello beautiful."

I shivered with discomfort and looked in disgust.

" Hello Charlie"


Hello everyone!

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter

Where do you think Abby's dad is? Will we even find him?

Happy New Year's Eve!!!!!

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