Chapter 13

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Abby's POV

After everyone was done swimming, we ordered pizza from my favourite pizza place. We sat on the couch and watched movies.

Once the movie was over, everyone either went to bed or did their own thing.  I moved all my stuff into Sebastian's room, which he was very happy about.

When my head hit my pillow, I fell into a deep sleep from being so tired. I didn't even notice Sebastian get into bed.


I woke up before Sebastian, I made sure. I didn't want to blush again. I got out of bed and went downstairs to eat some cereal. 

I keep thinking about what Noah said to me about our dad, and how he disappeared. I don't know if I should tell Sebastian or not. I know that Sebastian has Noah and Charlie in the cells he has. I knew that Sebastian is too stubborn to just get rid of them, and how mad I would be if he killed my brother. No matter how annoying he is.

I want to go visit Noah, but I know how mad Sebastian would get if I went by myself. I don't want to get Sebastian involved with this. I have already caused him enough trouble.

As I was walking to the cells, I started to think about my dad. He left 2 years ago or at least that's what mom and Noah told me.

Noah was very angry and very protective of me. I think he thought he had to protect me, cause dad wasn't there to protect me.

I don't know if I trust Noah or now. I love my brother, but he lied to me. Even if he did try to protect me.

I opened the door to the cells and I was hit with a smell of sweat and blood. I kept walking until I stopped at his cell.


Sebastian's POV

I woke up and rolled over to see Abby but she wasn't there. I checked the bathroom but she wasn't there either.

I didn't think she was taken again because I had double security and guards. I got dressed and went downstairs to see if Abby was there but I didn't see her in the kitchen.

I checked the pool, TV room, living room, and asked the boys. None of them saw Abby. Now I was getting worried. I checked the rest of the house. 

I finally walked down to the security camera room. I saw she was in the kitchen, then walked toward the cell rooms. I immediately ran toward the cells and ran in to see if Abby was ok. 

I saw she was holding Noah's hand and crying. I hated to see her cry.

"Abby, what are you doing?" She looked at me a gasp while Noah gave me a deadly glare.

"I can explain"


I am back from my trip!!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love you guys


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