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(Titus POV)

I didn't want to go, my plan was to just ditch anyways, my step mother was forcing me to go to this stupid  mental health day at the towns hospital. Just because maybe once I tried hanging myself with my belt from the back of my closet door. Unfortunately she came in to stop me before anything could really happen. It's not like I actually wanted to die; I had just wanted to make my parents realize that they have no power or control over my thoughts. They seem to push how i'm feeling away like It's never there. My step mother is the most understanding out of both of my parents. She tires to replace the role of my mother which makes me feel empty inside. People often think me and my step mom are related which I think is a bunch of bullshit because Her hair is a chestnut brown and mine is very blonde. Her eyes are light green like the leaves that start to form on the maple trees in the spring. My eyes are as grey as the fog that was clumped below the tires of our car. I knew if i sat here unwilling to go in any longer she would drag me in herself.

it's not like I want to be here, sitting in a room full of sad sack people like myself all coming together 'talking out' our problems. As if that would really help us. I would really like to know the dumb person that organized this reach out program. Mainly because they seem to have a very limited, zero to no knowledge on people suffering from mental illnesses. We don't want to be in large groups of people and we especially don't wanna talk about our experiences and emotions as if they will impact any of the other sufferers around us.
"You'll be fine!" My step mom joyfully clapped her hands together  making an annoying noice right beside my left ear. As if she thought her persistent clapping would rise me out of my seat any sooner.Unlocking my side of the door with a bottom from her side. She gave me a side look that carried the words 'get out'
"Do I really have to.. I don't see he point in going to this stupid thing, it's not going to change the way I think or view the world. So if you'd stop pretending like you care now i'd like to go home and back to sleep. This is a waste of my Sunday morning." I huffed and crossed my arms. Trying to fight my way out of this with every ounce of energy I had within me. I blame the lack of energy on my failed attempt to sleep last night. The nightmares keep me up and alert and makes it almost impossible to sleep. I catch up on most of my missed sleep during second period biology class or make up for it with boat loads of caffeine. I pity anyone that has to be around me. Im highly annoyed and reek of coffee and energy drinks.

"Titus get out, I'll be here to pick you up after. Stop making excuses. You are here because you need to get help. Both me and dad agree that it's good for you and your recovery." I got very angry by her remark because it didn't settle well with me. "I don't care what you and dad think. You aren't my mother and you shouldn't have a say in what I do or how I recover. Just stay out of it Julie."

With my last attempt to go home I shot Julie a glare and I stepped out of the car and onto the hard cracked concrete which was barely visible in the thick fog. I walked slowly threw the Parking lot of the hospital. I wanted to nothing more than to run and never look back but I know the cops would be on my ass in no time I wouldn't make it any farther than a mile and my parents would have already send a whole search patrol out on the hunt for me. So I held my head high and walked off to the "psycho day" As much as I didn't want to be here I knew I had to give it a chance, I had no other choice.

I saw the dull faced teens slummed down in their chairs but something drew my attention to the stage where I saw a beautiful girl with hair that reminded me of sunshine and her eyes were this beautiful vibrant hue of crystal blue. She look nervous as she read aloud what I made out as a poem.
she described how she thought love was pointless and hopeless it kinda made me want to outstretch my arms and invite her in for a hug because I could see the hurt in her eyes. But hey weren't we all hurt and damaged in some way? but something inside of me wanted to figure out what made this girl speak the way she had. I agreed with almost every single line that rolled off her soft lips, I hung onto every word tightly like I was suspended high above from a deadly drop.

She looked down at her feet a lot which made her mouth make this weird half smile look which was cute. The way her face scrunched up made me smile.Her blonde locks fell perfectly over her face and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I just stood their anxiously at the door way to mesmerized so take a step into the room that Held this beautifuly broken girl on the inside. Before I knew it she was done and I found myself clapping and cheering I don't know what's brought me to do this. Most of the time I have that 'I don't give a shit' attitude but something about this girl has changed that. She seemed to light up the room, the moment her eyes met mine I felt lost within them I was unsure of what to do. So I sat down on a heavy pale creaky bench right outside the room and pulled out my phone. Every now and then I'd look up to watch the girl and study what she was doing. Until her eyes met mine. It rose the fear in me and I quickly looked away and pretended to be staring out the window.

I realized that everyone had a name tag on and I forgot that mine was in my pocket. I never bothered to grab it out because the moment I did that. The moment I knew i'd be dragged into this room to share my story.

I distracted myself by playing stupid apps until the 'meeting' was over and right as I saw the saddened people leave the room I saw her reaching for the door and I stopped to grab her shoulder. What have I done? Just put everything on the line, what for a girl I didn't even know.. but for some reason I felt I really knew her. From this day forward the girl with the amber crazy vans would be more than just a " pretty girl" she would be the girl 
that I felt strongly about and drawn to for some crazy reason I could not comprehend. This beautiful stranger.

"I didn't have to turn around
I could feel him in the back of my brain
When I step into the crowd
Something told me that I'd meet you today"- perfect stranger marina and the diamonds.

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