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Alena's (POV)

*** (hours passed)
I really couldn't believe what just happened.A guy actually liked me, the guy that I like back! I wanted to scream with excitement. I knew I had to be quit though because my parents were sleeping down the hall from me. I walked over to my vanity which held my jewelry, makeup and other accessories that I used on a day to day basis. ahhh I grabbed out my heavy hair brush and started to curl threw my thick hair when I heard my phone go off from the end off my bed. I knew it was Titus just from the ring tone and I immediately sprung off the wooden chair and onto my bed in a juvenile way.
"hey did you make it home safe?"-Titus

"Yes I did and by the sounds of it so did you."-Alena

"What's your address?"-Titus
In that moment I was unsure if I should answer, it's not like we live in a run down house or anything but I'm just scared of what will happen If Titus just shows up at my door step one day even just to check on me. Sure mother knew of him, but she didn't know of how close we had gotten over the past month and a bit. I hesitated before typing in the boring old numbers and street name.

"alright thanks! :)"- Titus

"Of course.. Why'd you want my address any way?" -Alena

"I guess we'll just have to wait to find out then huh? goodnight Alena. Sweet-dreams don't let the bed bugs bite." - Titus

"And if they do we'll get a shoe and smack them black and blue, goodnight love you." -Alena

"Love you more.."-Titus
I set my phone on my night side table and crawled into bed pulling the covers way over head making myself a protective barrier like shield. I planned to keep out all the negative dark thought that try to crawl their way into my brain around this time every night.

I stepped out of bed the morning sunlight burning my eyes as I walked down the rickety stairs that lead to the living room. "goodmorning mom." She ignored me and continued on reading her book. I grabbed myself a granola bar and walked back upstairs to get ready for a long, harsh dreadful day of school. I had absolutely zero motivation and didn't even wanna get it of bed today let alone go to school. I threw on a pair of place overalls with a white tee shirt. Simple and plain yet cute, today I was feeling in a blah mood. well for this time being. My moods change frequently which makes picking and outfit I feel confident and happy in hard. The tee shirt revealed a whole row of my fresh/ healing cuts which made me really self conscious. I've already been sent to the principles office many times for self harm and how it makes other students ( and teachers) uncomfortable . I grabbed my heavy backpack off my chair and headed out the door for a long day. without looking down I tripped over a small box that was wrapped in pink paper and topped with a silver bow. A tag flapped around from the side dead. "To my love, Alena" dream beside it was a crooked heart. I got super excited once my brain made he connection that it was from Titus. I wanted to rip the whole thing open. There was an envelope and a small rabbit stuffed animal with a cute heart nose. I wanted to scream because it was so soft and cuddly just like Titus. I grabbed the envelope without hesitation. inside was a folded hand written letter. "Dear my breathtaking Alena, after what happened last night I thinks safe to say we need to talk about it and see where we stand. I care about you and love you and these feelings have been flying around me like butterflies upon a spring afternoon. I really want to fix your broken pieces and mend them together and make you feel alive again. I love you so much. Go to the corner cafe on Eve street tonight at six. You won't be disappointed.
xo -Titus"

I could feel my cheeks warming up as I started to blush, he was just so perfect and I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he was the one this time. Maybe he won't let me down like the other have. I really wanted to believe that was true but I'm so scared that everyone wants to leave me and just play with my emotions so I count imagine the pain I would feel if Titus just got up and left me stranded her alone one day. I huffed and crossed my arms with the soft cream colour rabbit between them. I took a deep breath and it smelt of vanilla which made me very happy. I loved that scent, It reminded me of the milk shakes me and mom would get down at the old diner in my home town right before she'd have a personality switch and hurt me. She would never be a real mother for long it was all just an act, to blind me with cool toys and the best clothing just to make me think she loved me. Money doesn't buy happiness.

(End of the school day)
I collected my text books and walked down the checkered hallway of my shitty high school. I heard laugher coming from behind me. I turned around to see the school jocks laughing at me. " hey you got a problem?" I challenged them trying to act all tough. They shook their heads laughing. I turned my combo to open my locker, placed my books inside and walked to the front door. I felt someone follow me and I turned down a narrower back road. The jocks from school cornered me to a cold brick wall. I got the back of my head really hard and felt a trickle of blood roll down my neck.
"We heard your a little sleeze." The quarterback out his hand on my thigh forcing it higher without my consent. His two other side men holding my arms against the wall not allowing me room to move or refuse. "Come on baby. You know you want to." I started to scream and cry as he kept touching me without hesitation. "stop please stop." I cried out for help but the desperate boys didn't stop. I jerked my arms around trying to break free from their tight grasp. " stop moving princess, your only making this harder on yourself." I felt their grip tighten as I fought for freedom. The jock begun to lift up my shirt and do more acts that I wanted him to desperately stop. I shut my eyes tight and waited for it all to be over.

My wish came true, I collapsed to the ground dying for air curled up crying. I looked up to see a talk boy throwing the jocks to the ground as if their were barbie dolls. He didn't seek to break a sweat and he threw them one by one they ran off afraid. If they were dogs, their tails would be between their legs.
"Are you okay beautiful?" I looked up to meet Titus dead in the eyes he looked very worried as he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up off the concrete holding me tight to his chest. "Please never leave me baby." I whispered in his ear and he walked me to my house with my beaten, abused body hanging off of his. "I won't." I felt his soft warm lips kiss my cheek as he set me down for a second to wipe the tears from my eyes. "You need to let me know if assholes like that are bugging you again. I will make sure they don't like to see another day. Where did they touch you?" The tears started coming down like a sprinkler that would be out on the lawn during a hot summers day. "Alena your safe with me." He hugged me close to him. Picking me back up to head to my house. "Have a rest beautiful I'll see you tonight." he kisses me on the head when he dropped me in my bed. He pulled the covers up to my chest tucking me in and making sure I was safe.
"sleep well princess I love you."

"I love you too" I mumbled and rolled over holding the soft rabbit I named Titus that was given to me by my world.

"It took so long just to feel alright, remember how you put back the light in my eyes." - jar of beards christian perry.

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