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Titus (POV)

I shut the door quietly behind me as I stepped out of her house trying to not make a sound. I couldn't risk waking the sleeping beauty that lay half asleep and startled in her bedroom. She had a rough day from the looks of it and I wish their was some way I could hold her to make it all go away. But i knew the chances of that were very unlikely, she's so hurt and I honestly wish I could pick all her pieces up and put them back together. I loved her more than I loved anything in this awful world, her smile was the highlight of my day. Her laugh reminded me that it was okay to be happy again. That's why everything needed to be perfect tonight when I ask her to be my girlfriend. I was setting up a hunt for her around town. My plan was to leave different gifts and letters at different locations until I lead her into a beautiful field with a tree lit up my fairy lights. Underneath it we'd cuddle and watch for shooting stars, I would pull together the perfect plan and as we lay there i'm silence I would ask her to be my girlfriend it's something i've been planning on asking for awhile now but could never pull together the courage to. She's just so perfect and i'm just so not, Id be so lucky to have a shot with such an amazing girl like Alena. I would make sure that no asshole like the ones that assaulted her tonight would be able to walk again. Because I don't want her to ever be put in harms way again. She's to perfect for that, I will never allow her to be vulnerable in anyway. Because that would mean I'm failing and letting her down which I cannot allow to happen. She's use to everyone letting her down and I cannot risk doing that and recreating her pain. She already creates enough of it for herself.

"Pain without love, pain can't get enough, pain i like it rough because i'd rather feel pain than nothing at all." -three days grace pain.

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