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(Titus POV)

"depression is such a cruel punishment. There are no fevers, no rashes, no blood tests to send people scurrying into concern. Just the slow erosion of self  as Insidious as cancer. And like cancer it is essentially a solitary experience; a room in hell with only your name on the door." -unknown
****** (months have passed)
I tapped my fingers on the dining room table. my phone taunting me and mocking me. I really wanted to talk to Alena. She's a very beautiful girl and somehow got me caught up in her smile and dangerous eyes. i had her number right there in my phone it was one click away but i couldn't pull myself to do it.

I have nothing right now, i'm alone and very lost. My parents are over or under involved and it really hurts. it drives me to want to end it all. i just wish they would realize that they aren't helping me one bit. without hesitation i picked up my phone and searched for her name. Which was very easy considering I only have about three numbers in my phone. Make that four numbers including Alena's. My hands started shaking anxiously as i typed out 'hi' i shook my head as that sounded to informal. I deleted the I and spelt out 'hey'. still didn't seem right in my stomach I punched in one more Y and send 'heyy'. I set my small cracked phone down on the table and continued playing with my rice and pepper that looked limp on my cold plate. I knew if i didn't eat it soon it would so cold and be all nasty so i pushed it aside and headed up to my bedroom with my phone in hand. my room was very diffrent and held a bunch of posters and novel covers. everyone says I'm a nerd I just shrug it off because I take pride in my books and short stories. Ive always grown up loving books and plays, I had a deep fascination with shakespeare and his beautiful poetic ways of writing. My favourite favourite has to be Romeo and Juliet because it proves a point. You fall and love and you get killed. I had a Milky white (stained) Desk pushes to the right corner of my room which had the best lighting. I used my desk for art work and writing, deep hues of blue and orange stain sections of my desk from my last art project which was suspended above my loft bed. It was a huge portrait of a moon which held a very deep meaning to me. I lost my birth mother at a very young age due to cancer. I held my mother cold, bony lifeless hand and she passed away right before my own eyes. Her last words to me will forever be engraved in my mind even though this happened when I was five years old. She pulled me close and whispered into my ear with the softest breath. " Titus... no matter what happens to me, No matter what part of the world your in. I will always be looking down on you. When you see the moon every night just remember that it's a sign i'm always up above. Never far within sight." And with those last words she slipped away from me, I hung the moon high above my bed to remind myself of my mother. Because even though there is lots of bad in this world, maybe I don't want to live in it. My mother would never want to hear that and see me struggle. I set my phone on my bed to reveal a message from Alena. "hey!" -alena i don't know why her message gave me this sort of feeling in my stomach but I was very happy to see a reply. "Hey can you meet up anytime soon? i'm really not doing so well." -alena My stomach tightened with her very quick reply and I could sense her tension through the screen of my cracked phone. With that message I headed towards my closet to grab a hoodie and a pair of runners. I threw myself down the spiral staircase and without hesitation walked out the front door. I heard my step mother calling my name behind me but I ignored it because Alena's cry for help was much more important.

I decided to call her because she wasn't answering any of my text messages. To my surprise she picked up on the third ring
( I was counting) "Hey Alena are you alright? where are you?" Her breath sounded heavy and full of fear. Her deep fast breaths made it sound like she had just ran a marathon. "Alena?" I started panicking because a girl I barely knew sounded as if she was in deep trouble. " Come to the trail by Huron street." I heard her hang up with a little cry in her voice she hung up on me before I could tell her to stay where she was and not do anything irrational. I started sprinting as fast as my body would let me to meet a beautiful distressed girl at a walking trail. A million thoughts rushing threw my head. Every single one of them thinking about Alena and what she was thinking at that moment. Because she really scared me and by her minimum communication I was worried she was thinking the horrible thoughts that stain my mind. As i rounded the street lamp heading toward the walking trail I almost ran into a woman walking her short haired dog. Behind that startled woman was the figure of Alena curled up over the bench her body heavy and she was crying. her body shook with every sob that she let out.I had no time for hesitation I ran with all the power I had left in my tired body to meet her on the cold metallic bench. I grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine. " i'm glad your safe please tell me what's wrong."

"But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow"-thousand years christian Perry.

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