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Titus POV

i sat in the cold hospital emergency waiting room. She was my everything, so close but so far. my love now close kept in deaths grasp. "Alena please don't leave." I whispered as i clenched my chest searching for any air that I could get. my forever was slipping out of reach, i knew i shouldn't have left her alone.. alone with her drowning thoughts and violent dreams. she is to perfect for deaths touch. There's no comfort in the waiting room. surrounded by people waiting for bad news. hoping deep down that i wasn't one of those people. I know nothing I could say or do could erase what just happened and all i wanted more than anything was for this nightmare to go away. I feel so stupid for leaving her like that. how could i just leave her like that? it's all my fault.. if she doesn't make it. I don't think i've ever cried so hard in my life. each sob shook my body in a threatening manor. "Please bring her back to my arms." I whimpered as the tears continued down. An older women got up and left crying as well and i couldn't imagine what bad news she had just received. Husband dead? or maybe a daughter? but for that moment in time i felt like i could relate to the women. I felt like we both had an extreme amount of pain that no one could ever comprehend. I heard a nurse call me back into a small room and i thought my heart would drop to my stomach. I shook as i stood up barely able to walk my way to the room.
"Please bring my baby back to me and i swear to you god i'll never fail her again." I walked forward my eyes on the tile floor.

"I have news on Alena."

"Cause there's no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous paces bracing for bad news
And then the nurse comes round
And everyone lifts their head
But I'm thinking of what Sarah said
That love is watching someone die
So who's gonna watch you die." - what sarah said. death cab for cutie.

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