1. Normal Life

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To everyone around me, I'm just a normal teenager. Being 18 I don't get noticed a lot. Well except when people first meet me. You see, I have purple eyes. And not just regular purple, bright, vibrant purple. Seems impossible right? Well sort of, they don't know how yet, but I was born with purple eyes, they do have specks of blue and green sometimes, depending on emotions, making them almost look like galaxies at times. They are kind of hard to miss when I meet someone for the first time.

Other than the eyes, I'm normal. Long platinum hair, lightly tanned skin and legs that could go on for miles. I have always counted myself as fortunate in the looks department, given that I never really used them to my advantage to a point. My eyes are what really make me stand out, and my name. It's not everyday that you meet someone named Rudina, odd I know. I asked my parents why they named me that and they said "it just came to us the moment we saw your eyes." I never believed them though. When I tried looking up what it actually meant, it's like the name was deleted because I can't find it anywhere on records.

Oh well, I'm sure someday they'll finally tell me the truth of my name, but for now, bio-physics. I should be studying right now, but instead I'm hanging out with Alaric, he's my best friend. He's never tried to go after me like all my other guys friends and I appreciate that from him. I do have to say, he's somewhat cute with his short blonde hair that is always just messily place, his piercing grey eyes and of course that smile. That's the smile that has all the girls running after him, of course he never does go after any. He says he's waiting for the one, when I ask him how he'll know, he just says, "I'll know the minute she's in the same room as me." I just brush off his nonsense and go back to a previous topic or something new.

"Are you even listening to me?" Alaric asks waving a hand in front of my face.

"Of course not, why would I be doing that?" I ask giving him a sly smirk. He just scoffs and goes back to what he was talking about.

"We have two days until the fall formal, have you decided if you're gonna take anyone yet?"

"No actually, I kind of forgot about the event completely. Bio-physics and Chemistry have me swamped right now with homework, and that's not even including the stuff for Calculus and Advanced Trigonometry." I say flopping down on my bed, letting out a dramatic sigh.

Alaric chuckles and sits down next to me, "maybe you should actually do the homework, then you wouldn't be so swamped all the time. Plus those classes are pointless, I told you not to take those classes, yet you did anyways."

"I know, I should've listened, but at least the one class I'm acing right now is Phys Ed. Not that it's hard to do, but I'm at the top of our class right now." I reply letting out another deep breath.

"Wait, you finally got passed me on the ranks?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh you know it. Finally I'm the fittest person in the school." I chuckle a bit and pump my fist in the air. Alaric joins me chuckling as well. He falls down next to me and I look him dead in those grey orbs of his, "Do you want to go to the fall formal with me? I don't want any guys from our school to find out I don't have a date or they'll never leave me alone."

He chuckles a bit before answering, "Of course, I thought you'd never ask." I laugh a bit at his dramatics and close my eyes, letting out a sigh, in hopes that I might fall asleep. Minutes later, I do, I can still feel Alaric next to me when I do, so I have no idea if he stayed the night or not.


Waking up, the spot where Alaric was, it's empty, guess he went home last night. Sighing loudly, I open my eyes to see it is  in the middle of the night. Yes, I have very weird sleeping patterns, I find myself wanting to sleep during the day instead of night, we have tried for years to try and break the habit, but it never worked. Looking to my alarm clock, the number it reads is 3:43 am. Damn, I guess I slept in compared to usual, I'm typically up and showered at this point, guess I really was tired.

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