6. Father?

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"Ready to go?" I ask as the rest of them ready to shift again. They all seem to nod but I see Anni having an argument with Lilly. "What's the problem?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"Lilly won't ride on my back anymore she said she's tired of being on my back." Anni replies letting out a sigh.

"Why don't you ride on me?" I ask the little girl in front of me. I see her eyes light up and she nods frantically. "You have to hold on tight though ok? I go pretty fast and I'm pretty big." I say crouching to her level.

"That's ok, I'll make sure to hold on." She says with a big toothy smile.

"Ok I'll go shift then you can jump on." I say as I stand up again and head to a tree. She nods and waits patiently with Anni.

After removing the shirt they gave me, I shift and walk back out to the little girl and pretty much lay down so she can jump on. Anni ends up lifting her to put her on. She puts on her little backpack of stuff and grabs onto Xenia's black fur.

I see Nathan and Kevin signal to the others and they all shift as well. After everyone is shifted they give each other a bit of a nod and take off. I follow close behind, conscious of the little girl on my back.

Hours into the run, I start to see a bit of snow. It is November so I would guess that there would be snow in Canada. Kevin said that it was in Northern Canada so we have a bit of a trip to go yet.


"We're almost there" Lilly says in my ear. I nod to her a bit and continue to follow the others. At least we're close because this is a long way for someone to travel.

As they finally start to slow down, I begin to see what looks to be a pack house with numerous others in the surrounding area. It's similar to the one back in Aidan's territory, this one is two stories with windows littering the sides. Have to have a big pack house for a big pack.

I see hundreds of werewolves training in the fields around the house. Despite the snow they are still relentlessly training. I saw most of them stop and look as we walk down the driveway towards the house where a group of people are waiting, I'm assuming the Alpha.

We stop in front of the people who are standing in front of the house. The one man staring at me having identical eyes to  Nathan with the same brown hair and pale skin. The women on his arm having blue eyes with platinum blonde hair like mine. I'm assuming this is the Alpha and Luna due to the Aura I sense coming off of them. Everyone around me bows their heads to them, even Lilly jumps off my back to bow her head, but I refuse. I stare the man dead in the eyes as he glares at me, daring me to do something.

"If you'll come inside, we can give you some clothes to shift and put on." The women says with a sweet gentle voice. I nod and follow her inside, cautious with my size not to break anything as I step in the house, she ran up the stairs to grab some clothes. After coming back down, she held the clothes out in front of me. I shifted and slipped the clothes on she had given me. After it all, I was dressed in blue jeans with a white v-neck t-shirt. She also brought me a pair of combat boots to put on. I nodded my thanks and tied them up.

Following her back out to the others, I met the Alpha, "Welcome Rudina, I am Alpha Silas. This is my Luna Nia. Welcome to the Pine Moon Pack."

"Thank you but I don't think I was given much of a choice. Is there a reason you had to threaten my pack, why did you need me here that badly?" I ask as I fold my arms over my chest.

He looked to Nia before answering, "You are our daughter, we wanted you here and there was no other way to get you here."

I scoffed at his ignorance, "you gave me up for adoption long time ago, you lost the right to call me your daughter long time ago. I meant to ask you about that, why did you do it? Was it because I had the purple eyes? Or was it because I was a girl and you thought I would be weak, so you had Nathan after me to fill that spot so you could have a strong heir." I accused letting my anger slowly rise.

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