4. Training...

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After supper, we all just sit around and talk. Masons crew and Alaric are definitely an interesting bunch, they seem so accustomed to each other, and then there's me. On the outside. Xenia has been itching to go for a run, it seems like she can't sit still for more than a few hours without having to get out. But I guess I understand in a way, she's been locked up for 18 years, now all she wants to do is get out.

"Guys I'm going to go let Xenia out for a run before the ceremony tonight." I say as I wave and leave out the backdoor. They wave as well and all leave out the front door. I sigh and walk behind a tree and get undressed, putting my clothes in a pile. With a deep breath I shift and let Xenia take over, this time she starts off with a light jog then works up to a sprint.

Where are we going?
I don't know, I thought you knew.
You're in control here, oh well, just follow the scent and get back to the cottage.
Will do.

And with that, I take a whiff of the air before darting in the direction of the cottage. We reach the tree where I have my clothes and I quickly put them on, realizing the ceremony must be soon as it is getting late.

"Alpha Aidan so sorry, I must be late. Xenia wanted to go for a run." I say as I approach everyone in the field.

"Rudina, you're actually just on time, come join me." He says as he gestures me closer, in front of everyone. And there was a lot of people, and I mean A LOT. There must have been at least 100 other werewolves here. I was snapped out of it when the Alpha began speaking, "We are gathered here, beneath the moon, to welcome Rudina Palla, to our pack."

He then turns to me and continues speaking, "I, Aidan Forsyth, Alpha of Mystic Eclipse Pack, accept you as a new member. Do you, Rudina Palla, accept the weight of protecting every member of this pack? Will you defend us in a time of danger?"

Before answering, I look around to the people around me, they all wait expectantly as I reply, " I, Rudina Palla, except the weight of protecting this pack. I will defend you in a time of danger."

Alpha Aidan puts his hand out for me to shake his hand and just as he does so, he speaks once more, "Welcome to the pack." And Just then, voices fill my head.

I fall to my knees and clutch the side of my head as all the voices say, "Welcome Rudina."

"SHUT UP!" I yell in a deep voice that doesn't sound like my own, and they all stop at once and I'm able to catch my breath.

"Rudina, I'm sorry I didn't warn you, that was just the mind-link with your pack members. Guess they didn't realize you've never had that before." Aidan says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I chuckle a bit and reply, "Yeah I guess, sorry I yelled, just needed them all to stop, they were all talking at the same time." He chuckles and helps me off the ground. Letting out a deep breath, I run a hand through my hand and Xenia begins to inform me.

Rogues are entering the territory.
What are rogues exactly?
Wolves that are not part of a pack. Get to the border and take them down now.

Nodding to myself, I take a whiff of the air and follow the unfamiliar scent. As I'm running up, I quickly shift when I see three wolves about to attack a small, white she-wolf. As one lunges at the girl, I jump in front and growl, standing my ground. The rogues all look at me and take a step back, I snap my jaws and they all run away off the territory.

Turning to the small wolf, she mind-links me.

Thank you for saving me, I didn't think anyone would get here in time.
Everything's going to be ok, what's your name?
I'm Liliana.
Ok Liliana, get back to the pack before some other rogues invade.

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