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5 months later

"Theo, any new rogues spotted today?" I ask looking through the papers of the members I added last week. I have files on every one of my members, it helps me keep track of their age and skill. All files are under lock and key that I only have, in a filing cabinet in my office in alphabetical order.

"Not today, they seem to be slowing down since we hit 700" he says shrugging. We are now at 735 members. We are a very strong pack with many warriors and more trained everyday. I have Tony and a few of the other warriors allowing 16 year olds to join training to get them ready for their adulthood in this pack.

"Well, the Alpha conference is in Texas in two days. I think I might actually go as Alpha instead of lycan this time." I say smiling at the last time I was there.

"If you think so, I'd like to come if you don't mind" Theo suggests crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh of course, we'll leave Jacob in control for a few days. I'll make sure to tell Tony to help him out as well." I say standing from my desk. "Be ready in an hour, I'd like to go see Sven before the conference." He nods his head and leaves the office with me close behind. We break off and head to our separate chambers.

While packing, I quickly mind linked Tony and Jacob to explain the situation. They both agreed to keep things under raps and not add any new rogues while I'm away, they'll be detained until I can deal with it.

Getting changed for the heat of Texas, I put on high waisted jean shorts with a grey shirt that I tucked in. I quickly brushed out my hair and threw on my reflective silver aviators. Grabbing my bag, I leave my room, closing the door behind me and went to meet Theo downstairs.

We both threw our bags in the backseat of my car and waved the pack goodbye as we drove to the airport in Bellingham. It was the closest one to us.

Reaching the airport, we got two first class tickets to Dallas,Texas. The conference this year is in Sven's pack house since he is holding it again, and he thought it might be safer than in town. I agree, it'll keep angry Alphas away from human civilians.

The flight was long and tedious, we had to stop once in Portland. I'm glad I kept my glasses on because people kept giving me a glance and from their scent I knew they were wolves. Even our flight attendant was a wolf. I didn't even try to hide my scent, they all knew exactly what I was.

After calling a cab, Theo and I take it to just outside of Sven's territory. I look to Theo and give him a nod before we both cross the border. I take in a deep breath and walk down the dirt road that leads to the extravagant pack house. I can see the warriors crowding outside the door. I smirk and continue on.

Reaching the mass, we stand there in silence before one of the men in front has the guts to speak up. "You can not be on this land. Leave before you are removed."

I giggle, causing him to give me a look of confusion. "It's funny how you think you have control over me." I smirk but my face goes straight as I continue, "Get Sven out here, I need to see him." I see his eyes glaze over, knowing that he won't be long.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sven's voice booms over the group of warriors blocking the door.

"Is this anyway to treat an old friend?" I ask with a smirk.

He finally breaks through the crowd and I can see the look of confusion before it hits him, "Rudina?"

"Oh you know it baby, now can I come in or am I gonna have to fight my way through the crowd?" I ask smiling widely.

He smiles and shakes his head, "Come on in, Suzanna and Wilbur just got here and Fritz should be here soon." He says waving me in. The crowd breaks apart to create a path as Theo and I walk through. I walk confidently past them behind Sven into the house.

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