13. Scythe

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A scythe? Why'd it always have to relate back to the Grim Reaper? I guess this really was supposed to be the way I am.

Sighing to myself, I walk out from the tree I was behind, into the public eye. Multiple of the warriors from Sven's pack all stop and stare, observing my new figure. I see the Alphas one by one file out of the house to see the commotion. Theo and David are the last two to step out. Theo gives me a look before letting go of David's hand and walking closer to me. He kneels down in front of me, showing his submission.

'What are you doing?' I ask through the mind link.

'Submitting to my Alpha, I'm sorry but I have to.' He answers simply.

'It's fine, I think it's time I came out about the whole pack thing anyways.' I answer sighing a bit.

He nods and stands again. I slowly walk behind the tree and shift back, apologizing to Tami that our run got interrupted. We'll just have to go later.

After getting dressed again, I walk back out to the crowd of confused people. "You might be wondering what just happened." I said catching the attention of every werewolf in range, which was a lot. "Well, Theo just submitted to his Alpha. You heard me right, Alpha. I am the Alpha of the Shinigami Pack, and Theo is my Beta. My wolf form is different from the last time you saw me because I 'unlocked' my lycan." I explained looking over the paled expressions of the frightened Alphas, knowing how powerful my pack really is.

"You lied to us?" Sven asks almost in a whisper.

"It had to be done." I replied sadly. "Besides," I started with a smirk, "Where's the fun in telling you right off the bat." He smiled and chuckled, shaking his head at my jokes in a time like this. "I really am sorry, but with every pack on my radar, looking to destroy me before I could get started, it was the only option really." I explain crossing my arms over my chest.

"What's done is done, now can we leave official business for the actual meeting tomorrow?" Sven looks to all the others and they simply shrug and nod. I take in a breath of relief, at least they aren't raging.

After everyone calmed down, we went back inside and made small talk. Random things, mainly everyone wanted to know my plans for my pack. I, of course, told them it was trade secrets and that they would know when the time was right. They didn't like that very much, they all think I have something to hide. They aren't entirely wrong but I don't feel like explaining it to them anymore.

"So David." I start, looking over to him as he sits at the table with Theo. "I know this is weird, but would like to join my pack? I really can't lose my Beta." I say awkwardly.

"Of course, I could never leave Theo. Besides, I don't have a rank at my pack anyways, I would never make Theo abandon his for me." He says smiling at his mate. I can see Theo smile as well, at least he's happy now.

I sigh in relief and walk out the back door of the pack house. I find a tall, strong tree and jump into a high branch. I perch myself and watch over the house, making sure nothing goes wrong. It feels weird being back with everyone again, they're all the exact same but I'm so different.


Getting out of my bed and reliving the events of yesterday, I sigh and go to the bathroom for a warm shower. Afterwards, slipping on a black tank top and washed jeans with my combat boots.

After walking down to the kitchen, I see that most of the alphas are already up. Except of course, Mason, Alaric and Nathan. Sometimes these boys just never want to get up and it is so annoying.

Sighing to myself, I make my way up to Mason and Alaric's room. I bang on the door, when I hear no reply, I open the door to see them in a ........compromising position. "Woah, Ru! Don't just walk into peoples rooms!" Alaric yells getting off of Mason.

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