8. Tami

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Waking up with a jolt of pain, I look around and see I dislocated my shoulder while sleeping. Not quite sure how that's possible, but I did. I quickly popped it back in and hopped out of bed.

I took a warm shower to help loosen my stiff muscles. After wards slipping on a grey sports bra with a black band around the bottom, and plain grey sweatpants.

Looking in the mirror, I finally see what I look like for the first time in months. My entire body is toned and defined with muscles, my skin flawless, smooth and slightly tanned. My hair a perfect platinum blonde colour, smooth and long. My eyes, they stand out more than ever. My eyes seem to be bigger and more defined in themselves, letting the purple be even more prominent than before.

I had to admit, I liked the way I looked, a lot. I smiled at myself proudly and pulled my long hair into a ponytail.

I walked down to the kitchen and of course I didn't realize people were up, so when Sven greeted me, I almost jumped out of my socks.

"Hey." He said while sitting at the table with the pack officials and Suzanna, Fritz and Wilbur.

"What's going on?" I asked as I grabbed a water from the fridge, there had to be a reason they were all meeting.

They all stayed silent and looked to Sven expectantly. He sighed before answering, "We have to leave. Or more specifically, you. The entire pack is in danger."

"I knew this was going to happen. I told you it was a matter of time before they attacked you. I'm going to them and you can't stop me, I don't care if I die because I will not let people die for me anymore." I said scoffing and walking out of the house determinedly, looking like I was on a mission.

I had been here for a few weeks and the pack members knew to stay away from me, they could get hurt if they didn't. They created a hole in the crowd as I passed, I smirked as some of the unmated males were checking me out.

I still walked passed them as Xenia agged me on.

We need to do this.
Are you feeling up to it?
Absolutely. I feel powerful, almost like something just clicked.
That's good because from the scent I can tell there's plenty of wolves at the border.
Oh yes, maybe 100. But the leader is here, if he falls so will the rest.
So I should kill he leader first?
Yes, they will bow down to you afterwards.
Ugh, ok whatever, as long as it stops the killings.
If you kill the alpha, then it'll be your pack.

I thought about what Xenia said and shook my head. I don't want a pack, I certainly did not deserve one.

Reaching the border, I sigh when I see the pack before me. About half are in wolf form while the others are not and you can clearly see their anger towards me.

"What business do you have here?" I asked pretty much growling.

One stepped forward, a man much taller than Wilbur, probably closer to 6'3". He was very toned and muscles with the dark look in his eyes telling me his wolf is trying to take over. His voice was deep and menacing to anyone who was afraid, as he spoke, "You need to be stopped. You will kill us all if we follow you." He spat out with clear anger.

"And why do you think that? What have I done to make you think that? Because all the packs I've visited, are great full for my presence." I ask folding my arms over my chest.

"You killed them. You killed your parents, what's stopping you from doing that to us? What if we make you angry? Will you kill us in cold blood too?" He asked fear lacing his voice.

I stood still, frozen on the spot. I didn't know what to say. "Kill her! She's the Grim Reaper and we can't have a bringer of death in this world!" Someone yells from the back of their group. They all erupt in growls and get into fighting stances.

They all seem to falter a bit as four people approach from behind me. I turn and see Sven, Wilbur, Suzanna and Fritz standing there, scowling at the petty wolves. "What are you guys doing?"With a growl low in my throat.

"We are not going to stand by and let you die. Our kind is fading and we need you." Fritz answers not even looking at me, just staring past at the wolves.

I nod to them and turn back to their Alpha. "If you stop now, I may be able to give you mercy. Step down now and no one will get hurt." I say in a low tone.

"I can not, I stand by my decisions." He answered with a scowl.

Focus on him.
Focus on him and inflicting pain.
Why? Do you know something I don't?
Xenia what's going on?
Xenia is not here anymore. I am Tami. Your lycan.
What the hell? What do you mean?
You have finished the process. You are the one with the eyes and have more power than you know. Focus on him and imagine inflicting pain.

I shook my head at the new voice and did as she said. Focusing on the Alpha, I imagined the pain that I could inflict. Suddenly he fell to the ground screaming and holding his head. "Surrender now." I said growling.

Everyone gasped and fear was eminent in their eyes. I felt someone's hand on my arm but I refused to back down. I shook my arm out of their grip and kept my concentration on him. "Surrender your pack now." I repeated to the man who was in the fetal position, trying to get it to stop.

"Fine!" He yelled. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "Fine! Just make it stop!" I smirked and stopped.

"Get Daniel to take him to the cells." I say turning to Sven. He nods and his eyes glaze over, telling me he's requesting Daniel. "As for all of you." I say turning back to the pack of wolves paralyzed in their spot. "Surrender and have the choice to join the Blood Moon Pack or live in the cells with your weak Alpha and risk death by torture." They all look to each other and nod, seemingly making their decisions. I quickly turn around and start walking back to camp.

"Wait!" Fritz yells from behind me.

"What?" I ask turning to look at him again.

"How did you do that?" He asked looking into my eyes for answers.

"Tami. It's my lycan. She told me how to do it." I answered quietly.

"Your lycan? Nobody has ever unlocked their lycan." He says, astonishment lacing his voice.

"Well I did. And I'm tired so goodnight." I say quickly, waving him off as I turn back around. I walk back to the house without another word said. There was nothing to be said. I just defeated an Alpha with my mind. I didn't know it was possible but apparently it is.

Now I know I have to leave, I'm putting Sven's pack in danger staying here. I'll leave tonight so he can't oppose.

Getting to my room, I flop down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Sighing my eyes start to close and I let my mind wander to what I may be capable of doing.


After waking up, I realized it was perfect timing. Around 2am I finally got out of my bed and got ready to go. I put on black leggings with a white tank top and a leather jacket on top. I put on my combat boots and threw my hair into a bun to keep it out of the way. I grabbed what little bit of money I had saved and left. Walking silently out of the house, I stop in the kitchen and wrote a note. It read:

'Dear Sven. I'm sorry I have to leave. I hope this will keep your pack safe. Anyways, I'll be back in a hundred years or so. I need to do some things. I just want to say thank you for everything. You helped me find my lycan. I know it doesn't seem like it but I am forever in your debt. Till next time old friend. -Ru'

I left the note on the counter and walked out of the pack house, into the woods, Not exactly knowing where I'm going. I saw numerous of the wolves that were on patrol look at me immediately look away when I shot them a glare. I walked to the garage and grabbed my baby, can't leave this here.

Sighing, I drive my car down the road and out of the territory. New life, here I come.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short it just needed to be for the next part.

I hope you are enjoying, don't forget to comment, I love to here what people have to say about my story. Also, don't hate, if you don't like it , don't read, constructive criticism is appreciated though.


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