1 - Lameo

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"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!" Obito repeated Y/n's name, loudly into her ear.

"Y/n~" He said, once again, his volume never changing.

"YES?!" She shouted, a little irritated.

"I heard there's a new student. Do you think it's girl?" He asked.

Y/n looked at him in a really awkward way and said, "No".

"Well, I think so," Obito's disappointed expression changed mid way into his sentence.

"Idiot" She said, laughing at the boy, "Why are you so eager? You want a girlfriend?". Obito looked at her like she was a crazy person off the streets who asked him if he would like any candy. "Maybe, Maybe not." He said.

After their lesson started, Obito, who had fallen asleep, midway through, woke up immediately, hearing the door open. He was put all his focus into the door frame.

"We have a student who will be joining us today..."

By the looks of it, It was a girl with short brown hair and purple markings on her cheeks. Obito seemed to like her alot. Just for the fact that she was cute. His cheeks were absolutely pink and he had hearts in his eyes. Literally.

"My name is Rin Nohara!" Rin annouced.

"Wahhhhh, she's so cute Y/n!!" Obito gushed.

"Obito...you're hopeless" Y/n sighed, resting her chin on her hand, not shocked by how easily swept away her friend was.

Rin looked their way and suddenly Obito was shaking Y/n. He was freaking out and all embarrassed. "What do I do?" He asked. "Um, how about you stop shaking me?" Y/n suggested, with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"Oh, oh yeah, hehe, sorry" He said, letting her go.

Before Y/n could say anything, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Huh?" She asked and then looked behind her back. Oh my- It's Rin!!

Obito was squrimish, constantly shuffling in his seat and deflating into a blob fish. "Can I sit here?" She asked. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah" Y/n responded, and pulled Obito up out of his seat, but Rin stopped her. "I actually wanted to sit next to him" She said. Y/n blinked. Sit next to Obito?? It was almost unheard of for Y/n to hear that any girl would even want to sit next to Obito. She looked at Rin and Obito. Without Obito, Y/n would just be bored and clueless on what to do. Obito was the one who would always suggests things to do. Even so, Y/n nodded and sat beside the next person.

After getting Obito taken away from Y/n by a total stranger, She took a huge breath. She was going to mope about not being able to sit next to him, but some annoying kid had the audacity to ask, "Why do you hangout with Obito?"

She was ready to smack him but she took a look at him. It was Kakashi Hatake. The one kid that impressed almost everyone except her and Obito. Due to the fact of their envy. Kakashi was practically good at everything, Y/n and Obito found it hard to admire someone with such a big ego. "Because, He's....um.....my friend! Duh, dummy" She answered, totally unaware that she was being a lame, "I bet you don't have any friends, do you?"

Girls started to clump up, in defense of their beloved crush. "What did she just say about Kakashi?" A girl asked. "How dare you say that? He's perfect!" Another random girl said. Then another, "Who do think you are saying that to my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" Kakashi looked at them.

Y/n felt a gush of intimidation hit her, as the girls began to gang up on her. "Agh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that," she tried to make her words sound less of what they exactly  sounded like, "I was just...annoyed by the fact that you're talking to me??".

"Jeez, you don't have to be so dramatic" Kakashi said, quietly judging her. "And I don't think that's a valid excuse..."

A/n: Yoooooooo, that was so short! Anyways! I hope you liked that chapter. Please Vote and if you really like my story add it to your library, hmm?

Edit: lol, so I recently edited the chapters and lmao they're hella gross, I'm sorry 😂😂😂

2021: y'all did not tell me that it was this bad... it's literally unreadable.

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