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"Alright mate, I think the couch would look great here," Louis said, looking down at his phone and sending a text. 

"Louis, you arse," Niall retorted, dropping the couch in the middle of the living room. "You said you would help me move the furniture and you haven't done shit."

Niall's brown hair was plastered to his forehead from the sweat he'd been working up and his muscles ached from carrying boxes. His blue eyes blazed into Louis, who was still on his phone -- now giggling at a message. 

Niall walked over to Louis and kicked him lightly in the bum, sending him stumbling forward onto the couch. "Fuck you, mate," Louis said giggling. He hopped off the couch and grabbed one end of it. "Alright, alright," he said, smirking. "I'll help you for the rest of the day."

Niall rolled his eyes and snickered at his witty roommate who always seemed to get out of everything that involved manual labor. Back in university, for example, Louis would always flirt with the workmen that the wealthy students hired to move their stuff. He often got them to move some of his stuff as well -- free of charge. 

Now, Niall had been tricked into moving most of Louis' belongings, and he wasn't happy. He only really did it because he knew if it was up to Louis, it would be a full week before any of their stuff made it up the stairs, and Niall wasn't one for waiting around. Louis had brought about 15 boxes up by himself in the lift earlier this morning -- but that was about all he had done since. 

After moving the couch, the  two boys hopped onto it and sat down, tired from a long days work -- at least in Niall's case. The two friends had just moved to London to start new jobs and change up the pace. Louis would be working as an editor at a menswear magazine, and Niall had just gotten a job in real estate. There was something about his Irish accent that seemed to put people in a good mood -- and after just a few hours of talking to people, he could often get them to close a house faster than a leprechaun sliding down a rainbow. 

Louis was also gifted at his job. With his spunky attitude and love for writing, he could make just about anything sound interesting. Even men's suits and ties -- which he was the topic he was currently writing about. Louis knew nothing about suits -- or even fashion for that matter -- but he thought they were sexy and decided he would make his audience think so too. 

"I am so tired," whined Louis, propping his feet up on the couch. Niall rolled his eyes. "Oh, you're tired. Of course," he said, his brogue thickening as he said the word 'tired.' Louis giggled and reached out to hug Niall. "No seriously, mate. Thanks for moving everything," he said. "I know I've been super lazy." 

He pulled 50 pounds out of his pocket and tossed them to Niall, who caught them in the air and shoved them into his back pocket. "You owe me more than that," he grumbled to himself, half jokingly. 

"Have you met the neighbors yet?" Louis asked, tracing his prickly jawline with his fingers. 

"You have to shave mate," Niall said, smacking him. "But no, I haven't. Who are they?"

"Three mates about our age. Early twenties I'd say. Zayn and Liam I met this morning. They were in suits and shit so by the looks of it, they work at the Wharf for sure."

Niall laughed. "Haha, bet they're uptight then. No more smoking pot at night, Lou. They'll be pounding at the door about the smell."

Louis shook his head, but smiled a bit. Smoking weed was a bad habit of his -- but not as bad as his cigarette habit. Maybe one day he'd find it in him to quit both... 

"Anyways," Louis continued. "You're right about that. The lad Liam is super uptight. He freaked when he saw me in the lift because I was making him late. The other one, Zayn, just seemed to follow along, but I can tell he likes to laugh." 

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