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"hello jungkook-ssi." the doctor greeted jungkook the same way they greeted each other every week. the doctor would ask him if he was sure about this.

if he knew this was going to take his life. if he was willing to give this sacrifice.

this would happen every week over and over as if they were trapped in a circle and only jungkook's death could finally break this curse.

jungkook didn't want to die, he really didn't. he had what to live for. he had his friends, his school, his hobbies, his family, but mainly, he had tae. tae was jungkook's reason to live. he was somehow trapped in a shared life with him. tae's life depended on jungkook and jungkook just couldn't imagine his life without tae. if the older died, the younger would have to die too.

they were like a candle. tae was the flame. jungkook was oxygen. an oxygen that loved being the flame's source of life and if the flame left him, he wouldn't have a reason to stay neither. (A/n: oml calm down kook, u don't usually love sacrificing urself for ppl what's wrong with u)

but right now, he did have what to live for. as long as taehyung was alive.

that's why he needed to save him. even if it meant losing his own life.

"so are you still sure you want to do this?" the doctor asked, already knowing the answer. he respected jungkook even if the boy was just a kid. he was so strong, loving, kind and determined to do the right thing... the doctor wished more people were like him even though sometimes he thought what jungkook was doing was quite stupid.

noone could save the brunette's life. not even the love the younger was giving him.

"yes, doctor-nim" jungkook didn't surprise the doctor with his answer. and the whole cycle began over again.

"alright. you know the routine, jungkook. please lie down on the bed, take your shirt off and i will go get my equipment."

the doctor left the equipment in his office again. he always did. it has become a ritual by now. he always left it there in hopes jungkook would change his mind. even if he knew he wouldn't. he couldn't.

jungkook lied down on the bed. his mind traveled to taehyung immediately. another ritual of his. every week before he got his treatment, he imagined the older brunette to forget about the pain he was going to have to endure. this time, he remembered the scene he witnessed this morning, tae playing with his little brother.

he closed his eyes.

taehyung's little brother was the cutest child on earth. he was a small version of the older and jungkook adored him. the two siblings were basically inseparable. kim jeong gyu would be completely crushed if his older brother died. he wouldn't be able to take it.

jeong gyu was a part of the wax. he was very close to taehyung and he melted everytime he even saw him.

in taehyung's case, melting didn't mean dying or hurting someone. the boy had this aura around him that made everybody relax. everyone was comfortable around taehyung. he managed to melt all the tense emotions, the stress, worry, fear and nervousness. everything.

he melted everyone's negativity. he made people happy, brought positivity into their lives.

this was another reason why jungkook had to save him.

his friends would understand. he didn't want to leave them, he really didn't. but he knew they would understand. he knew they would see this was necessary. he knew all the pain he had to go through would be worth it.

"okay, jungkook, let's do this." doctor returned in the room and set his equipment next to jungkook's bed.

after a few minutes, a piercing scream echoed through the hospital.

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