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jimin sat on the ground in front of the clinic.

he'd been here before. he remembered sitting here, being held by one of his hyungs and waiting to find out more about hoseok's condition. waiting to see his smile again. waiting to hear his laugh. waiting to be told that he was okay.

jimin always chose to fall in love with the wrong person. but this was just getting out of hand.

what if he is the curse? what if he is the reason everybody he loves dies?

hoseok was jimin's first love. how could you not fall in love with that boy? he was always so happy, kind and positive, he'd give you hope when you were about to give up. he was caring and smart.

no wonder he already had a boyfriend when jimin met him.

his death hit yoongi, who was his boyfriend, really hard.

that's why jimin always kept his first big crush a secret. yoongi thought of him as one of his best friends, as his little brother. and the younger couldn't tell him he secretely had a crush on his beloved boyfriend that yoongi talked about to him so many times. oh, jimin couldn't even count how often yoongi came to him for a relationship advice.

jimin would always cry afterwards.

before hoseok died, the boys would always dye their hair. they wanted to resemble rainbow, because rainbow was a symbol of good luck (a/n and cuz they're gay af but whatever). but a few months after he had passed, none of them could bring themselves to dye their hair again. they were all completely devastated to be able to think about some luck or happiness. which seemed non existent at that time.

what made jimin's recovery easier though was jungkook. that boy managed to bring new energy and purpose into their group. he was the youngest of them all and dealing with hoseok's death was very hard for him. the boy had spent many nights crying with jimin on phone comforting him or sleeping over at the older's house that jimin actually thought he had a chance with him. he fell deeply in love with the younger and was finally able to find happiness.

he managed to bring the colour back into jimin's life.

he managed to bring the colour back into jimin's life

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but then jungkook started dating taehyung. jimin's best friend.

this, once again, devastated jimin. he lost yet another love to one of his brothers.

he completely shut himself off, not being able to deal with the situation at all. he was broken. but taehyung, being his best friend, made him open up and admit his feelings towards the youngest. jimin was scared, so scared that the younger would hate him forever for loving his boyfriend, so he was surprised, when taehyung suddenly hugged him and kept apologising.

taehyung felt bad for jimin. he, even though his best friend didn't know about this, figured out he liked hoseok. finding out that he stole his second big love from jimin and seeing him so devasted was a torture for him. he shared the news with jungkook and they made it their mission to find jimin a boyfriend. it was actually fun just walking around, looking for hot boys and seeing jimin blush whenever he looked at someone really handsome.

their friendship managed to stay very strong.

but right now, jimin regretted ever falling in love with jungkook.

the boy was obviously in danger.

what if the past was repeating itself? what if this was all because of jimin? because of his love? what if he was the curse?

no, jimin would definitely not survive that, no.

"jimin-ssi?" teary jimin looked up to see teahyung's father standing in front of him. "are you here with my son?"

jimin quickly stood up and bowed towards the man.

"hi, siwoo-min. yes, we came to visit our friend, jungkook."

"jungkook, huh?" the man frowned. "listen, i think you should take him home after he's let out. oh and maybe you should call your other friends. i believe jungkook has some explaining to do."

it seemed to jimin as if the older man literally spat out jungkook's name with disgust. he frowned slightly, but nodded confusedly.

"okay, we can take him home."

"good. call your hyungs now, kid."

and with that, the man left jimin standing in front of the ordination even more confused than before.


hey, im sorry for not updating in such a long time. ive had a lot of school work BUT i will have a lot of free time next week so i shall update more often :)

this chapter is really poorly written, im sorry

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