imagine a candle.
the candle is locked in a container of oxygen.
the flame twinkles on it's wick while absorbing the oxygen in the tank. it lives happily having no idea it's slowly destroying its only source of life.
the wax melts. the closer to th...
jungkook's empty stare burned into the wall in front of him.
hoseok is dead.
hoseok is dead.
hoseok is dead.
hoseok is dead.
hoseok is dead.
the three words echoed through his ears non stop for the past few days. he didn't sleep. he didn't eat.
time didn't exist for jungkook anymore. it didn't make sense to track time. he didn't care what time it was. he didn't care how long was it going to be until jimin finishes school and comes over to attempt to make him smile again. all that really mattered was that the more time passed by, the closer to death he was.
the closer to getting away from this pain. the closer to being with hobi and his brother again.
and it was then when he heard yelling from the living room.
his parents fought a lot over the past few years. jungkook heard them so many times... he knew by then that he was the only reason why they were still together. they just wanted him to be happy, healthy and safe.
jungkook would always call hoseok when they fought. he would cry and the older would comfort him. sometimes, they'd both sneak out and meet up.
but now, he could not call hoseok. he could not have the older comfort him, he could not sneak out with him.
it felt as if he had noone. even his parents. when he needed them to be there for him the most, they fought.
but actually, it didn't matter. because he couldn't be happy anymore.
so he decided to stop their torture for once and for all.
he was going to talk to them. he was going to ask them to stop sacrificing their happiness for his own because it wasn't worth it. nothing could make him happy anymore. he was going to tell them that everything would be better if they were happy because right now there was no way for him to get out of the dark hole of sadness and desparation he was in.
but as he kept getting closer to the livingroom, he realised it was not only his parents who were yelling. he recognized someone else's voice. a voice he's never heard before.
"you know that you are indebted to me, mrs jeon. i could destroy you, your husband and your precious little son by a single flick of my wrist. you've done some illegal things too and you know that i have evidence.i dispise stupid underdogs like you yet i'm willing to keep helping you stay safe." the unknown man's voice said in a calm tone.
"no. no! i am not sacrificing my own son's life for myself. there is no way in hell i'm going to do that." his mom cried histerically which confused jungkook. she was usually the calm one, his father would be the one screaming and she'd be the one with cold comebacks to his hurtful words.
"man, you are exaggerating. there is no way i'm going to do this to my son." his father spoke coldly.
"this could mean a life sentence for you."
"listen here." jungkook's father started as the boy took a few more steps towards the kitchen. "you fucking killed an innocent boy in your son's sake. you killed him. i get that you love your son more than anything but has it ever occured to you that we might love our children too? that we are parents too? that we brought them to this world, raised them and want to see them graduate, get married and have our grandchildren?"
"i do not care, jeon. i thought i made that clear" the man stated coldly. jungkook shivered. the voice scared him.
"you killed a young boy... to make him a donor to your son. to sacrifice him for your boy. you stole someone else's child. and now you want to do the same to jungkook."
jungkook couldn't control his body anymore.
this sounded way too appealing to him.
he could die. he could die and save someone else's life in the process if he understood the conversation correctly.
he could be with hobi and his brother again.
this offer was way too good to be true.
it obviously didn't take a lot for jungkook to make up his mind. he was pretty sure he knew what was going on and what would happen to him. he didn't care about a new,happy tomorrow. all he wanted was for hoseok to come back.
so it was clear to him what he had to do. what he was meant to do.
"i'll do it"
how little jungkook knew. how wrong he was. about everything.
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