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"tae? what's up? are you okay?" jimin panicked when he heard the younger sniffing through the phone. the two have been best friends their whole lifes so taehyung called the orange haired boy as soon as he figured out what was probably going on.

"ji-jimin, it's about jungkook. you need to pick me up right know."

when he heard the raven haired boy's name, he froze. it was no secret that jimin has always been in love with jungkook, everyone knew it. it was a wonder that even after taehyung found out, he still stayed best friends with the older.

the brunet felt bad. he felt bad that he could have jungkook, he could have the one he loved, but jimin couldn't. the couple made it their mission long time ago to find the orange haired cutie a good boyfriend, but poor jimin still only had eyes for jungkook.

"what? what happened to him?" jimin asked while searching for his car keys frantically.

"i-i'm not even sure. just- hurry please."

"i'll be right there" jimin hung up and kept searching for his keys.

taehyung was freaking out. he crossed the street and knocked on jungkook's house in hopes that what he witnessed earlier was just some sort of illusion. his parents opened the door for him and he stormed in looking around. maybe jungkook was home. maybe the boy in the car was just a stupid product of his imagination.


"where is jungkook?" taehyung cut his boyfriend's father off in desparation. the man looked at him in shock.

"where are your manners, young man?" he scolded him. the boy realized how rude he was and bowed quickly.

"i'm so sorry, junghoon-nim" taehyung apologised. "i just- i met up with jungkook last night and... he wasn't in the best condition. i promised i would visit him today and check on him. is he home?"

the parents looked at each other.

"we're really sorry, taehyung, but we won't be able to help you. he is not home."

taehyung groaned in frustration.

"when is he going to be home?"

"we don't know yet. probably not until the afternoon." they sent each other sad looks.

"oh.. i will stop by later then." taehyung did his best to stay calm. "i'm just so worried about him."

"us too, son. us too..."

they said their goodbies and taehyung sprinted out of the house. he immedietaly spotted jimin's tiny, old car he inherited from his cousin and rushed over to it. he opened the door and sat at the passenger seat.

"hey" he greeted jimin.

"hi" jimin waved back.

"hospital please. fast."

"tae... are you crying?"

"hurry, please!" taehyung yelled desparately as his best friend looked at him confusedly with worry written all over his face. but he listened to his friend's order.

the ride was quiet. the only thing that interrupted the silence here and there were taehyung's sniffles. he couldn't stop thinking about jungkook. the boy could...die...any minute now. he could get hurt by his father who was blinded by the desire to find a cure for taehyung's illness. anything could happen to the boy.

jimin was confused and scared. he had no idea what happen to his two best friends, but judging from tae's state, it had to be very serious. jimin didn't want to ask. he didn't want to push the other boy and trigger a breakdown, which taehyung was very close to.

when they pulled up in front of the hospital, taehyung sprinted out of the car, ignoring jimin's calls to wait for him.

he saw his father's car in the parking lot. they were there.

oceans of tears were now escaping from his eyes.

what if it was too late?

taehyung was blinded by his tears and emotions. no wonder he tripped and if there wasn't for jimin, who caught him before he crashed with the ground, he'd probably stay in the hospital with a broken leg or something.

"jeez tae, you need to chill. i get that something happened to jungkook and you're worried. i am too cause i've never seen you this freaked out. but he needs you alive and healthy not with broken limbs lying on a hospital bed, okay? so do all of us a favour and calm down."

tae shut his eyes took a deep breath. he knew jimin was right. he had to try to settle down a bit. for jungkook.

but it's not farly as easy when you know that the person you love could possibly be dying because of you.

"tae... you know very well that i hate to remind you of this. but i love him too and knowing something serious probably happened to him...sucks but i'm still keeping it together. and you need to too. look, we are here now, we'll find him and everything will be just right, okay?"

taehyung knew it wasn't going to be just right. nothing was ever going to be just right ever again, but he decided to suck it up and be strong. not only for jungkook but for himself and jimin too.

he clenched his fists and nodded.

"let's go find jungkook."

"now that's the tae i know."


Here's a lil vmin chap for ya'll
(✿ヘ) im sorry it sucked

Here's a lil vmin chap for ya'll (✿ヘᴥヘ) im sorry it sucked

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I feel bad for what I'm about to write ://

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