Chapter 56 - Cornered

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"You're in danger for two reasons," Eric said. "First, because — even though it's distant — you're part of the lineage. And second: you look like Maria. The people in possession of the thumb drive are going to scrutinize Sabina's family and go after every one of them in their search for the Bukh."

"You shouldn't have given them the information!" I cried.

"Yes, I know. But listen to me: it was the only way we could save Cecily Rose."

We stared at each other. "What about Sabina? What's going to happen to her?"

He had the decency to hang his head a little. "She'll be fine as long as we get to her first."


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Get to her first — what did that mean? "We need to learn everything about her we can," Eric continued. "Everything. That means insinuating oneself in her life, learning her habits, who her friends are, what she does all day –"

"Is she really Nicu Ceausescu's daughter?" I interrupted.

"We don't know that for a fact."

I was aware of tears sliding down my face. I was angry. I'd been unwittingly pushed into this situation and felt as cornered as a deer surrounded by coyotes. "You're not allowed to look at someone's genetic history like that," I complained.

 "You're not allowed to look at someone's genetic history like that," I complained

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"I know," Eric said in his maddeningly mild-mannered voice. "It seems wrong and unfair. But a lot of things happen behind the scenes that aren't quite kosher. Our goal is to save lives, not destroy them. And for that we need all four volumes of the Bukh."

I swiped at my tears. I had wanted to stay away from the story of Maria and her daughter, Sabina who, as far as I knew, was somewhere here in Austin. Now I'd been thrust right into the heart of it. "What do you need me to do?" I asked tiredly.

"Help us forge a connection with Maria and her family."

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

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