Chapter 2

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*Madison's POV*
Morning arose, the sun blinding me as my eyes gradually adjusted to the light. The whole group was still sound asleep. Perfect. I sprung up, causing Andrea whom was lying next to me to stir awkwardly. I crouched, slowly moving towards the door to create less noise, not wanting to create a sound. I grabbed my crossbow, slinging it over my shoulder, placing my backpack on the opposite shoulder. I firmly gripped the handle to the RV, hastily trying to open the door. I yanked harder, but still no movement. The keys. I forgot the keys. To my luck they were still being insulated by the engine. I began slowly creeping to the front of the RV, when I realised I had to step in between shape, in order to reach the keys. Please don't wake up. I tugged at the keys, eventually they were released, much to my relief.

"Now what would you be up to?" Shane whispered, in shock I threw the RV keys, clanking the roof as they made contact. The shock sent me descending onto Shane's lap. Just great.

"Well hello there." Shane moulded his head into my neck, wrapping his arms around me.

"Asshole." I spat, punching myself free. Before I knew it, without even a chance to hesitate, I was being dragged out forcefully, onto the highway by officer friendly.

"What the hell was that?" Rick half whispered, half shouted.  "Well ain't you a clever sheriff." I smirked sarcastically.

"Why are you doing this?" Rick questioned further. I stared down at the dull tarmac, kicking my heels. "Doing what?" I played dumb, running a hand through my hair.

"Leaving." He answered abruptly, his eyes never wandering from mine.

"I said I was only going to stay with your group for one day." I stated coldly. He scoffed. Hilarious.

"Well, Madison, I hate to inform you but it's only been one night." Rick simpered smugly. I knew that if I protested, the whole group would've arose, of whom I really did not want to face. In return I stormed back onto the RV, making as much of an entrance as possible without creating enough sound to wake the group. I sat at back, pulling my knees to my chest, sighing softly. Yet this time, I was situated inches away from Daryl, admiring his features. His face glowed much like an angel, hench the winged vest. He was much the opposite of his redneck character when he slept. The other day when I looked into his fiery olive eyes, Daryl was just another tortured soul. Like me. I must have been staring for an eternity at his asleep face, deep in a dream of thoughts.

"What you looking at woman?" Daryl snapped, his eyes now wide awake with anger, snapping me back to the reality of this hell.

"Uh, um I was just... Nothing." I shyly cooed, my cheeks heating up.

"So what's the plan for today?" I tried my best to make conversation.

"Didn't ya hear yesterday, we're headed for Fort Benning." Daryl smirked at my awkwardness. I let out a small scoff. "Well... Plans may have changed overnight, unpredictable is reality now." I stated smugly.

"Well, you can say that again woman." Daryl agreed,  his arm resting over his head.

By now the vast majority of the group had woken, with only Carl and Sophia sound asleep, moulded against their mothers.

"Today's a big day, long journey ahead, hopefully we'll make it to Fort Benning before nightfall. Now let's get this show on the road." Shane shouted, probably being heard from about ten miles away at such a volume. What a jerk. As if he was some dictator, people started scurrying to their vehicles.

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