Chapter 16

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*Madison's POV*

I grabbed Jaxon by the hem of his plaid shirt and pulled him into a nearby cell. I stood inches away from his body, my arms crossed.
"Why the hell did you tell them that?!" I half whispered, half shouted. Jaxon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Tell them what?" Jaxon asked, confused.
"Um, the part where you told them I was a scientist at the CDC!" I ran a hand through my hair.
"And? What's wrong with telling them that?" Jaxon scoffed.
"Nothing... Sorry." I began to walk away, before Jaxon grabbed my arm.
"You know more than you're letting on. About what went on at the CDC, how this apocalypse started. I'm you're brother, I know when you're lying."  I gulped, trying to free my arm from Jaxon's grip, yet failing.
"Okay... You're right... I know exactly how this all started... Who started it."  I admitted, staring down at my boots.
"Maddy... Don't tell me... It was..." Jaxon stuttered.
"Yes... I'm to blame... Well partly. Candace was messing with viruses, seeing if it was possible to develop a drug against viruses that could be used on a global scale. Well this drug she developed, instead of killing this particular virus it created a nasty strain, attacked the brain, she tested it on a mouse, it died from this strain, but then it seemed to reanimate. I tried to help, and destroy this new strain, I thought I was successful, Candace tried out my 'drug', injecting herself against this virus she had at the time, she had an adverse reaction, or so I thought. She developed a fever, her vital organs began to shut down. It attacked her brain, killing her. I developed no drug, yet a strain of a virus that affected humans, it cured the mice, yet infected the humans. The next morning, Candace reanimated, infecting many around her, before people became aware of the situation. My so called 'drug' had already been sent to hospitals around the US, I couldn't stop it... I created these monsters." I revealed. I needed to let out my guilt. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Jaxon stood there, as if he were frozen.
"Jax... Say something... Please... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." I repeated over and over again.
"You need to tell everyone Maddy, they deserve to know. Maddy you'll always be my sister no matter what I'll support you, because I love you. I know you never meant for this to happen, but they need to know. Maddy you have to tell them all." Jaxon stated.
"Tell us what?" Rick queried from outside the cell, the rest of the group gathering around too. Daryl's eyes met mine and he never dropped his stare.

My life is over.

"I... I ... I know exactly how this apocalypse began and who started it." I stated, my lip trembling. Many gasped, many just stood there, frozen.
"Go on." Rick ordered.
"I'm to blame... Partly. Candace was messing with viruses, seeing if it was possible to develop a drug against viruses that could be used on a global scale. Well this drug she developed, instead of killing this particular virus it created a nasty strain, attacked the brain, she tested it on a mouse, it died from this strain, but then it seemed to reanimate. I tried to help, and destroy this new strain, I thought I was successful, Candace tried out my 'drug', injecting herself against this virus she had at the time, she had an adverse reaction, or so I thought. She developed a fever, her vital organs began to shut down. It attacked her brain, killing her. I developed no drug, yet a strain of a virus that affected humans, it cured the mice, yet infected the humans. The next morning, Candace reanimated, infecting many around her, before people became aware of the situation. My so called 'drug' had already been sent to hospitals around the US, I couldn't stop it... I created these monsters. I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen, I was trying to help... I'm so sorry... I'm so, sorry. I understand if you don't want me here anymore, in fact I'll leave right now, I don't deserve to be here, I should be dead. I don't deserve all your kindness... Love... I'm sorry." I began to break down, my eyes, began to well up, I furiously tried to blink back the tears, before running. I ran as fast as I could through the prison into the courtyard, the shouts and voices from the group near behind. I couldn't stay here. Not now. As much as these people were my friends, my family, my love, I couldn't face them after revealing my guilt. They'd never forgive me...
"Maddy!" Daryl shouted, he had nearly caught up with me.
"Maddy wait!" Rick also shouted from behind.
I collapsed at the far end of the courtyard, exhausted. Daryl skidded over to my side, his face full of concern. I looked away, burying my head in my chest. Daryl cupped my face in his hands as the tears began to spill.
"No matter what happened in the past, you're still the same Maddy I fell for and the same Maddy I am in love with. I'm not going to let the past, a mistake, change that, change us, it's about living in the present now... I love you." Daryl embraced my body tightly.
"I agree with Daryl, people are just going to have to accept your past, your honesty. You are my friend and nothing will change that, I want you to stay and will we talk no more of the matter and the subject will never be brought up again." Rick stated.
Through the door to the courtyard, Hershel appeared, hobbling on crutches which acted as his new leg. The group watched in awe as he limped down the steps to the courtyard, just days after the attack.
"The past is in the past." Hershel gave me a small smile before suddenly out of nowhere the prison alarms started ringing and walkers began to fill the courtyard, their snarls echoing throughout. 

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