Chapter 15

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*Madison's POV*

"Why don't you come out of there?... Slow and steady." Rick intimidated, his revolver raised at the prisoners.
"What happened to him?" One of the prisoners asked.
"He got bit." Rick simply stated.
"Bit? Like a dog?" A man with a moustache, raised his eyebrows in confusion. Another man, with dark long hair, reached for his pocket, pulling out a gun, aiming it towards us.
"You bes' point that thing somewhere else." Daryl growled his hand ready on the trigger of his crossbow.
"Do you have any medicine? Anything?" Glenn asked, blocking Daryl.
"We have to get him out of here!" Rick shouted. I nodded in agreement.
Glenn wheeled near lifeless Hershel on a table towards the door.
"Ready?" I asked. T-dog and Daryl nodded. I removed the metal rod keeping the door in place, while T-dog and Daryl quickly took care of the few walkers outside.
I took the rear with Daryl as the others raced down the hallway.
"Open the door! Hurry! It's Hershel!" Rick yelled. Jax rattled with the keys, his hands shaking eventually managing to unlock the door. Beth rushed down the stairs, soon becoming pale as she saw her father, breaking out in sobs.
Carol took the table, pushing Hershel to a location out of view from the others, assessing his state. Lori quickly followed Carol, bringing some towels. Carl gasped as he made his way down the steps.
"What...Happened...What happened?!" Beth sobbed.
"Hershel was bit, his calf was bit to be precise, Rick amputated his leg, it was his only option of survival. I'm sorry-" Beth cut me off, wrapping her arms around me tightly in a hug. I awkwardly hugged back, before pulling back when my eyes caught sight on the five prisoners entering the cell block. "I need bandages." Carol sighed.
"We already used everything we had." I stated, running a hand through my hair.
"The towels will have to do for now. We need to keep his leg elevated, grab some pillows." Carol ordered. Carl quickly grabbed a few from a cell, passing them to Carol.
"We can burn the wound to clot the blood. I can start a fire." Jax suggested, comforting Beth, wiping the tears away from her eyes.
"No, the shock could kill him, it's not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding. We need to keep it dressed and let it heal on its own." Carol sighed.   I stood straight, glaring, before walking over to the prisoners, closely followed by Rick and Daryl.
"Damn... Haven't seen a woman so fine in I don't even know how long... The name's Tomas." The prisoner with the dark long hair smirked, his hand lingering on my back.
"Don't ya dare touch 'er, got it." Daryl growled, his fists bawled.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" Rick spat.
"Cell Block C, Cell 4, that's mine, gringo. Let us in." Tomas tried his best to be intimidating.
"Today's your lucky day fellas, you've been pardoned by the state of Georgia." Daryl scoffed, causing a smirk to tug on my lips
Typical sarcastic Daryl Dixon.
"You're free to go." Rick added on.
"What you got going on in there?" A small African-American with an attitude frowned.
"It ain't none of your concern." Rick replied, you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him.
"Don't be telling me what's my concern." The African-American attempted to make himself more buff.
"Calm down Andrew, we're free now anyway." The man with the moustache assured.
"Yeah lets leave Axel, why don't y'all take that guy to a hospital or something? You guys rob a bank? The name's Big Tiny by the way." A taller, buffer African-American wondered.
Big tiny. Wow...
"How long have you guys been locked in the cafeteria?" Rick asked his eyebrows raised. They were either really stupid or completely oblivious.
"Going on ten months, I think a riot broke out in the prison, never seen anything like it. One guard locked us up in the cafeteria, gave us a gun and said he'll be right back... That was two hundred and ninth two days ago."
"Two hundred and ninety four days Oscar according to my calcula-" Oscar cut Axel off in mid speech.
"Shut up! We were thinking the army should be showing up by now." Oscar stated.
"There is no army anymore, no government, no police, no hospitals. Every heard about people going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? That's what's happening, we're all infected, when we die we come back as one of those cannibals. Everything's gone."  Rick filled the oblivious prisoners in.
"What about my old lady? You got a cell phone or something that we can call our families?" Axel asked. I mentally face palmed.
Oblivious and reall ystupid.
"You just don't get it do you? No cell phones. No computers. As far as we can see half the population has been wiped out. Probably more. See for yourself." Rick stated, leading the five prisoners into the courtyard and into the baking Georgian sun.
"Damn the sun feels good." Oscar breathed in deeply, enjoying every moment.
"They're all dead." Axel exclaimed, his finger raised at the pile of bodies in the far right corner of the courtyard.
No shit...
"So what is this? Like a disease?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah and we're all infected with it." I repeated.
"What do you mean infected like AIDS or something?" Big Tiny furrowed his brows in confusion.
"For example, if I were to kill ya, shoot an arrow through ya chest, you'd come back as one of these things. It's gonna happen to all of us..." Daryl sighed, lifting his crossbow causing Axel to stand back.
"I guess you can have the field, should be comfortable." Tomas scoffed.
"We're using that field for crops, this prison is ours. We took it. Set you free." Rick stated.
"I've still got personal artifacts in there. That's about as mine as it gets." Tomas raised his voice slightly in annoyance.
"Lets try to make this work out so everybody wins. There's other cell blocks... You could always try your luck out on the road? Don't look like y'all been starving for nearly a year. Lets make a deal. We help you clear out another cell block for exchange for some of that food." I bargained.
"There's only a little left baby." Tomas revealed, passing me a wink.
Daryl clenched his fists tightly together, I could feel the anger radiating off his skin. I linked my arm with his, trying to calm him.
"We'll take half." Rick simply stated.
"Didn't you hear Tomas? There's only a little left." Andrew muttered.
"Bet you got more food than you got choices. You pay, we'll play." Daryl scoffed.
"We clear a block for you and you get to keep it. Simple." Rick suggested.
"Deal." Tomas scowled.

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