Chapter 13

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*Madison's POV*

•Seven months later•

"We've got no place left to go." Jaxon sighed, tugging the hem on his shirt. We were all gathered around the bonnet of Rick's car, a map spread across the top. Trees and flowers had started to bloom once more as spring set in.

Lori was in no fit state to continue trekking from place to place and mostly stayed in the safety of the car.

"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off." Daryl stated, as Rick circled the areas where we encountered the herds.

"We'll never make it south." Carl butted in. Carl had matured greatly in these past seven months, his fringe flopped over, just above his eyes. 

"The herd was about 'hundred fifty head? Right?" Daryl's southern drawl broke through.

"That was last week, could've doubled by now." Rick stated.

"If that group meets up with that one, we're blocked. Only thing to do is double back at 27, towards Greenville." I suggested, entwining my fingers loosely with Daryl's, unbeknownst to the group.

"It's like we spent the whole winter going round in circles." Glenn sighed, his arm protectively snaked around Maggie's waist. 

"We can't keep going from house to house, we need to find somewhere to hold up for a few weeks, we all know how tough winter was." I stepped forward.

"Myself, Daryl and Madison will head to the creek, fill up on water, we can boil it later." Rick commanded.

The past seven months we had seemed to become his henchmen. As if in unison we both swung our crossbows over our shoulders, quite a distance behind Rick.

I smiled, exhaling deeply, reminiscing memories from winter.

"What are you thinking about?" Daryl smirked.

"Oh... Just about our first time." I felt my cheeks heat up, flustered I ran a hand through my now mangled curls.

"Ya, how romantic,  in the back of a car covered in the snow, neither of us had a clue what we were doing... But-" Daryl started.

"It was perfect." I finished off.

"Ya." Daryl pulled my body against his and gently pecked me, unbeknownst to Rick, who also seemed to be in thought.

"Hurry! Hurry! Wait get the group, everyone should see this!" Rick called, excitement clear in his voice.

As if on signal Daryl whistled over at the group, beckoning them over with his arms. Without hesitation, the group soon gathered a small distance behind Rick.

"It's perfect." Rick sighed, before stepping down revealing a prison in sight through the dense vegetation.

"If we can shut the gate, prevent more filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers, we'll take the field by nightfall." Rick stated.

"How are we gonna close the gate?" Jaxon questioned, standing cockily with a shotgun in hand.


"I'll do it, just cover me." Rick ordered.

"No, no way, this is a suicide mission, this baby needs you, Carl needs you, I need you, Rick." Lori insisted, her right hand gently resting on her stomach. By now the sun was nearly set, time was of essence.

"I'll be fine, yourself, Maggie and Beth will draw them to the other side of the fence, pop them through the fence. Daryl, Madison, take the tower on the right, shoot from above. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot, you and T-dog will take the rear left tower. Hershel, you and Carl will shoot from the front left tower. Jaxon, you know what you're doing, I trust that you can cover the rear right tower on your own. I'll run for the gate." Rick ordered, making his way over to the entrance to the field. With that, everyone took their positions. Lori swiftly opened the front gate for Rick, before taking her position and with that everyone started firing.

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