Chapter 12

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*Madison's POV*

"Daryl." I managed to choke out.

I let out a stifled sob, before being lifted onto the back of his brother's motorcycle with a pair of muscular arms. I tightly wrapped my arms around his waist, sobbing into the crook of his neck. Daryl quickly accelerated, speeding off into the distance, as the walkers began closing in. The farm was gone.

I hated being so weak.So useless.

I can't lose anyone else. The pain is never ending.

Be strong Madison.

Dale's voice circled my mind, never leaving.

Don't let what you and Daryl have go to waste.

I clutched even tighter onto Daryl's waist, as we sped down an empty road, accompanied by a few lone trees.

"Daryl... Stop the vehicle... Stop." I choked. Daryl immediately braked, then spun around to face me. He wrapped his arms tightly around my back, engulfing me in an embrace. I buried my head into his chest, inhaling his musky scent deeply.

"Never leave me. No matter what..." I whispered.

"Never." Daryl cupped my face, bringing his lips to mine, entangling his hands in my curls. I kissed back, passionately, never wanting this moment to end.

Eventually I had to release for air and I reluctantly pulled away.

"We should head for the highway, where we left the supplies for Sophia." I suggested, lacing my hand with Daryl's.

"Sound like a plan." Daryl spun around clutching the handlebars, revving the engine. I quickly wrapped my arms, tightly, around his waist.

Eventually, after evermore twisting roads, we reached the highway.

"What if we're the only survivors?" A voice cried, a voice I pinned to belong to Carol. I sighed with relief.

"We can't be... Madison, Daryl, Dale, Andrea....They can't all be... Dead.. They can't be." Another voice echoed, a voice likely to be Glenn's.

"Maddy's strong." Jaxon continued.

Both the cars made it.

Daryl must of heard the voices, as he quickly sped up, revealing a clearing behind a pile up of cars, revealing the group perched around a small campfire, heavily guarded. The group gasped as we pulled over, quickly rushing around. Jaxon ran over, engulfing me into a hug, soon followed by Maggie.

"I told you I'll be okay." I tried my best to give Jaxon a reassuring smile, although inside I was broken.

"Did you see Dale... Andrea?!" Rick questioned.

"Shane?!" Lori pursued, causing Rick to gulp. I pretended I didn't hear Lori, quite frankly I didn't know what to say.

"I thought Andrea must've left in one of the cars, she was nowhere to be seen when we left." Daryl stated.

"Dale... Dale died for me... He died so that I could escape...He saved me." I managed to choke out, my eyes brimming with tears once again. Daryl quickly pulled a comforting arm around my waist, being closely watched by Jaxon.

"I can't profess to understand God's plan, but Christ promise the resurrection of the dead; I just thought he had something a little different in mind." Hershel sighed.

"We gotta go back. We can't just leave Andrea... What if she's still alive?!" Carol insisted.

"It's a goddamn suicide mission, they're walkers everywhere, chances are she's one of them." Daryl sighed.

"I say we head east, stay off the main roads. The bigger the roads, the more walkers." Rick planned.

I nodded in agreement.

"We're running out of gas." T-dog spoke up.

"We'll go on a run for gas and other supplies in the morning." Rick insisted.

"Me and Daryl could go now." I suggested.

"No. We stick together. We've only just found one and other again, we can't lose anyone else." Rick stated.

"What if walkers come through, another group of bandits like the ones Jaxon was with?" Glenn questioned, causing Jaxon to look down.

"We're all infected." Rick blurted out, many gasped.

"What?!" Daryl's eye widened.

"At the CDC Jenner told me, whatever it is, we all carry it." Rick continued. I cringed.

I knew exactly what it was. If only they knew my secret...

"And you never said anything?!" T-dog shouted, anger clear in his voice.

"Keep your voice down, would it have made any difference?" Rick sighed.

"How do you know for sure?" I questioned, trying my best to look surprised.

"Shane. I... I killed him. He came at me. He planned it. I had no choice. He pushed me and I let him. I killed my best friend for you people! He turned, Carl... Carl put him down. Whatever way you die, you come back as one of those things. This is how I knew Jenner was right." Rick croaked, mouths flew open within the group, Rick never let go of my gaze. A twig snapped nearby.

"What the hell was that?!" Lori questioned.

"Raccoon maybe?" Daryl scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Walker." Carol stated. Panic soon erupted within the group. "Maybe even a possum?" Daryl smirked.


I nudged him playfully.

"We have to go now!" T-dog shouted, panic raising in his voice.

"The last thing we need is for everyone to be running off in cars!" Jaxon spoke up.

"He's right. We don't have the vehicles or weapons. No one's travelling on foot." Daryl added on.

"I'm not sitting here, waiting for another herd to blow through!" Carol raised her voice.

"Do something!" T-dog shouted, directed at Rick.

"I am doing something. I'm keeping this group together; Alive! I've been doing that all along. No matter what." Rick stated, anger clear in his voice.

"I didn't ask for this." Rick choked.

"I killed my best friend for you people, for Christ's sake! You saw what he was like! How he pushed me, how he compromised us, how he threatened us. He was my friend but he came after me. My hands are clean. Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. Leave. I say there's a place for us, but maybe that's just another pipe dream. Maybe... Maybe I'm fooling myself again. Why don't you? Why don't you go and find out for yourself? Send me a postcard. Go on there's a door. Go on, lets see how far you get." Rick spat.

Nobody put themselves forward.

Bunch of hypocrites.

"No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight you're staying. This isn't a democracy anymore." Rick stated.

With that, everybody became silent.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! What is Madison hiding...?

I felt bad for not updating in 2 weeks so 2 chapters in one day for y'all! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment! Always appreciated :)

73 days until season 5!

Anyway enough of me rambling on!


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