Chapter 11

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*Madison's POV*

"Shit... Shit! We need to go! Now!" I cried. The moans of the undead were becoming more and more audible, sending shivers down my spine.

"Okay, everyone just calm down... Okay... Daryl, Madison I want you both to head back to the farmhouse, warn the group, prepare them. Me and Carl will lead them to the barn, to at least buy us some time." Rick ordered, his breathing heavy. Myself, Daryl and Carl nodded in unison.

"No time to be standing around... Go!" Rick shouted, before latching onto Carl's arm, dragging him over to the barn.

Without a thought I sprinted with all my might back to the farmhouse, my body adrenalin infused. Daryl quickly followed suit.  My breathing became heavy, my legs unstable. This can't be happening. Not now. Ignoring my panting, I powered on and we eventually reached the farmhouse. Jaxon, now unbound and untied, exhaled deeply with relief as he saw myself approaching. I replied with a small smile. He eyed Daryl and myself, smirking slightly as he reached my stare once more.

He knows

"Carl?! Where's Carl?... Rick?!" Lori screamed.

"What's happening?!" Hershel questioned.

"Maddy?! Are you okay?" Jaxon pursued. My head became light, my vision, blurred, my legs weak, my surroundings spinning. I forcefully tried to lock my eyes open, my state making that a near impossible task.

I flickered my eyes furiously.

"Carl and Rick are jus' fine, if ya can't already tell there's 'bout 'hundred if not more walkers heading straight for this farm, Rick and Carl are trying to distract them over at the barn." Daryl stated, while I caught my breath. He gave me a worried glance, his eyebrows in furrow.

"Go! Patricia... Kill the lights!" Hershel shouted. Glenn dragged our bag of guns out onto the porch, passing guns to all in the group.

"Maybe they're just passing... Like the herd on the highway?" Carol spoke up, looking down at the shotgun she was now holding in confusion.

"Can't we just go inside? Wait it out?" Dale asked.

"Not unless there's a secret tunnel downstairs I don't know about." Daryl scoffed, clutching an AK-47.

"A herd this size would rip the house down. No doubt." I added, loading my automatic.

"We're dead... We're dead..." Andrea repeated.

"We have to leave!" Glenn stated.

"I grew up here... We can't just give up without a fight." Maggie cried.

"We'll kill as many as we can, we'll use the cars to cover more ground, then lead the rest off the farm." I stated. The constant moans and groans of the undead could now be heard clearly.

"This is my farm! I'll die here!" Hershel stated.

"Hershel, please..." Dale sighed.

Flames erupted within the barn, many of the walkers changed course, now headed for the barn.

"The barn's on fire!" Lori cried. No shit.

"It was either Rick or Shane, maybe even Carl who started that fire to distract the walkers." Glenn stated. I cringed at the mention of Shane.

T-dog piled into a car, Glenn and Maggie perched on either side of the vehicle.

"Jaxon, go with T-dog." I ordered. I needed to ensure his safety.

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