Chapter 1: The Death

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Chapter 1

*Andy's P.O.V*

Today I was in the studio with the rest of Black Veil Brides when I got the worst phone call of my life. I started to cry. The guys and I hoped onto the tour bus and headed to the hospital. I saw Juliet with my sister. I ran to my sister and let her cry into my shirt as I try my best to calm her down. After an hour the doctor let my sister and I into the room where my mom and dad lay. They had just been in a horrible car accident. They where beat up bad from the crash. This was to much for Brianna she's only 14 she can't lose her parents at 14 that's to young. After about two hours of sitting there watching them lay there Brianna fell asleep on the side of the bed. My mom and dad had awaken. They knew they weren't going to live. They told me that since I am 24, I need to take care of Brianna. It was only 2:00am when they where telling me this, tears started falling from my face as they told me all of this. Was I even ready to take care of a child let alone my sister? Would Juliet even want to help me raise Brianna? Who am I kidding she loves Brianna. Brianna than woke up when my parents told her they weren't going to make it and that she would live with Juliet and I tears rushed from her eyes. My dad told us that they had already talked to Juliet about Brianna moving in with us, but not in this situation. The next few days were hard on Brianna. She had to go to school while I stayed with our parents in the hospital. I would normally pick her up from school to take her to the hospital to see mom and dad, but today was different. We had stayed the night since they weren't getting any better. In the morning the next day we both woke up to find our parents dead.

*Brianna's P.O.V*

I woke up to Andy crying. When I saw his tears I felt my face hotten and watched the tears fall from my face. I saw Juliet confort Andy, than I felt hands around my waist I turned around and saw Ashley. He told me everything would be okay. After a few hours we started to plan the funeral. When ever I went to cry either Ashley or my godfather Jinxx would come to comfort me as I cried.

*Andy's P.O.V*

(1 week later)

Today was the viewing I wasn't so happy to go to this at all. Jinxx and Sammi drove me to the funeral home. Juliet, Brianna and the rest of the guys were already at the funeral home. Brianna wouldn't enter the room. Ashley said he would stay with Brianna till she calmed down. After the first four hours Ashley was holding Brianna she wouldn't stop crying, but she did go up to the coffin to say her last goodbyes with tears down hear face. As I saw her cry I strted to cry. That entire day I knew I had never cried so much in one day. After the viewing we all went to get something to eat. When we got home I let Brianna sleep with Juliet and I. The next day we woke-up at 6am. Brianna and Juliet wore black dresses. After everyone was done getting ready we headed to the car to get on the road to head back to the funeral home.

*Ashley's P.O.V*

I have never seen Brianna and Andy cry so much. Its pretty heart breaking Brianna is to much of a nice, kind, and beautiful girl to cry. I know its her parents but she is to pretty to ever cry. There was something about her that made me like her there was just something different about her. Andy knows that I like his sister, but I told him that I stopped liking her so than he wouldn't give me a death stare when ever I talked to Brianna. I saw Brianna crying in the hall I went up to her and hugged her as she cried into my tux. I calmed her down and we stood next to the coffins. I stood behind her and stayed hugging her while Juliet held Andy's hand.

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