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The wind blew calm and soothing clashing with the sound of city. The busy streets and voices echoing throughout my ears. Tall building covering most of the town allowing little amount of light peek through. The sun hiding behind the buildings, slowly turning a shade of orange. I simply stared at the people swinging my legs off the edge of the balony. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I looked down at the ground. Sometimes I wonder if I jump, will I survive the fall. The fall wasn't really that deep, probably about 20 feet maybe. I wouldn't mind a little pain, I would do anything to get out this hell house. I hated him with every single nerve in my body. All he does is control me and take advantage. He knows how vulnerable and weak I am and he uses it against me but somehow I allow it. That must make me stupid right? Yeah, I know.

From the balcony, I heard a hard knock against my bedroom door. My face palmed and turned into pure disgust. The door crept opening making a sqeaky sound and I panicked. I swiftly plugged my headphone into my ears, music blaring through. I turned the volume to maxium and anxiously waited for his apparence. The sound of his Timberland hit the metal cleanly and I tensed up. I mentally cursed when I felt his breath on my neck. Unplugging the headphone from my ears, "I was calling you Chyna" he said sternly.

I didn't respond. I simply just ignored him and focused my attention on the ocean. Thinking he would make a big scene or spazz out on me, he plopped down next me, balancing himself. I looked at him weirdly and examed his features. His cheeks looked purple-ish and his thick plump lips once pink were now black. His eyes were reddish like he'd been crying. A feeling of anger and concern came over me and I bursted.

"Chres, what happened?" I said concernedly. He rubbed his forehead and released a loud sigh. He gave me reasurring smile, revealing a bright white smile.

"I'm fine baby. Don't worry.." He tried to sound convincing as possible but I didn't believe him. I shrugged and decided to drop the topic. There was a long slience between us before he pulled out Marlboro pack, pulling a cigarette out. The cigarette dangled unlit from the cornor of his mouth as he pulled out a lighter, sparking the ciggarette. I scoffed at him and he looked at me from the cornor of his eyes, letting out a deep throaty chuckle.

"I'm stressed Chy... I need a little reliever.." he sighed and parted it from his lips.

"Listen.. I know you're not happy being here and I'm sorry. I'm truely sorry that you had to torn away from your home and forced somewhere else.." He paused and blew out the smoke. "Shit, I'd be mad too but I'm trying Chyna. I'm trying to make you feel comfortable as possible and you make you feel home but I can't do that if you gon' be walking around here all depressed and shit.."

I chuckled at his responce. "I'm sorry.. I'll try being a little more happier.." I said. He added, "And smile. You smile is beautiful babygirl" he winked and flicked the ciggarette from between his fingers. I shook my head and smiled. I don't know this boy manages to make me feel like this but whatever he's doing is breaking my wall down.

"Let's go on a date Chyna" he blurred out. I gave him a puzzled look and he slightly smiled. "I'll take you to this nice Italian restaurant and we'll get to know each other. Sippin' on wine and just chillin, nothing big. You down?"

"I'm down.."

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