the resistence.

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"God Chres! I'm cumming... I'm cumming baby!" she screamed, releasing her juice while her legs shook uncontrollably. Forcing my full length inside her, my seed shot into the condom. Pulling out, I threw the used condom into the trash bin. Readjusting my tie, I looked up to see her rubbing her sore folds. She hissed, throwing her head back.

"Damn Chres... It's been so long since I felt you inside me baby." She paused, becoming eye level. "You could of went easy on me.." I chuckled lowly, throwing her panties square in her face.

"We're not together anymore Melanie. I don't have to give the satisfaction of how I fuck you. You take the dick or no dick at all." I smiled sarcastically and she scoffed.

"But you can make love to that fucking china doll?" She popped her heel into the shoe. "Please, you're probably just with her fill the void in your heart. You're with her because you have nobody else and you're  unassertive. Stop being so fucking denial Chresanto.." She pecked my lips softly and forcibly shove her hands down her pants, grabbing my shaft.

"You're mine..."

"Stay the fuck away from Chresanto, bitch. I won't hesitate to kill you Asian ass.." She gritted through her teeth, pressing the knife firmly against my throat. I trembled in fear and nodded.

"What happened baby?" She smiled, removing the knife from my throat. Trailing the knife upward in the direction of my ear, she outlined my hairline. "Cat got your tongue?" She brushed my knife across my baby hairs, tucking them back into place.

"Fucking speak!" She screeched, swiping my cheek. Blood promptly gushed out through my freshly open wound. It all happened so fast that I couldn't process anything. I felt the blade tearing through my body. The blood surging out and trickling onto the polished elevator floors.

"This is your last warning..."

"Chyna... Chyna. Wake up..."

The covering were snatched from my head and greeted by the sunlight beaming through the windows, nearly blinding. I groaned and squinted my eyes, trying to block out the light with my arm.

"Shit, you're one deep ass sleeper. Been tryna wake yo' ass since 1'0 clock.." He chuckled, the bed deepening next to me. His pearly white smile lingering through the light. He brushed his hand through my hair, removing the access hair clouding my face.

"How you holdin' ma?" He asked. I shrugged, staring down at the bed sheets. Honestly, I didn't know how to feel. My emotions were all over the place right now.

"The feeling mutual.." He chuckled. "I've been in your predicament before. I thought we would last forever man.... I was even thinking of marrying her. She had me that sprung.." A smile crept upon his face. I giggled, shifting to my side, facing him.

"I really loved her. Went through any lengths just to please her but that wasn't enough to please her. Came home one day waiting for her to return.... just to see a fucking note left on the counter. Never heard from her again. She completely vanished from the face of the earth. I told myself that I'd move on but everytime I think about her.... the memories resume. I wonder how's she doing. I hope life treats her good and she found somebody to take care of her because she deserves it."

He sighed, wiping his escaped tear. I simply stared at him, dazed at his love story. This girl did him in the wrongest way and he holds no hatred nor anger towards her. More like positivity and faith knowing that she'll return home. Reaching over towards him, I pulled his face into my arms. I cradled his head inside my arms kinda hugging his face. He smirked, wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"I'm glad you're in my life. It's been awhile since somebody actually listened to me." He confessed, gazing my eyes. I kissed his forehead and released from his embrace. Leaning over the nightstand, I snatched my phone from the outlet. Pressing the hone screen button my heart nearly skipped a beat. I rummaging out of bed looking for my shoes. Rakim furrowed his eyebrow staring at me weirdly.

"What's the rush?" He questioned while I grabbed my phone, dialing a cab.

"Chresanto is the fucking rush."

The front door quietly crept open and the house was flooded with darkness. The only light source was the flashiness from the television screen. A figure sitting comfortably against the couch assuming which is Chresanto. I mentally cursed, shutting the door silent as possible, avoiding any noise. I glanced back over to the couch noticing that the figure gone.

"Oh shit..." I nervously bit my lip and my heart raced increased. The house was completely silent, way to silent for my liking. Darkness and completely silence isn't the best combination. Before I knew, the lights flick back on and my body was being smashed against the wall. Chresanto held my arms firmly above my head and stared down on me intensively. His brown eyes filling with pure blackness.

"Where the fuck have you been? It's freakin' 9'o clock at night!" He shrieked his voice echoing throughout the house. Pretty sure that was loud enough for the maids to hear considering they will on another level.

"First of all, you need to calm down. You're blowing this way out of proportion. And second, I was at a friends house and I fell mistakenly fell asleep." I stated nonchalantly as possible. A tingling sensation surged through my wrist and I tried breaking loose. It felt like my wrist were about to snap.

"And you couldn't inform me about this, why?" He asked. I laughed... that right. I fucking laughed straight in his face. Chresanto growing balls now I notice.

"Inform you? I see no reason to inform you about my whereabouts. Like you said yourself business should not be discussed. Am I correct?" I smiled and tugged my wrist from his grip. I walked past him, heading upstairs towards the bedroom. By my surprise, he followed right behind me. I entered the bedroom and placed my phone on the nightstand. Chresanto leaned against the bathroom door watching my every move.

"We have to talk about this Chyna. You just can't leave the house and come back two days later. I was worried fucking sick about you. I thought something horrible happened to you. Shit, I was losing my fucking mind." He said calmly.

"You weren't worrying while you inside that girl.." I mumbled underneath my breath. Luckily, he didn't hear my slick comment. I felt his hand raveling around my waist and he kissed my neck.

"I'm glad you're okay.." He soothed in my ear. I rolled my eyes and removed his hands. I walked over to my side of the bed and placed my watch beside my phone. Pulling the covers back, I snuggled underneath the sheets. A warm, cozy feeling tingled through my body as Chresanto side deepened next to me.

"Please talk to me Chyna. I hate when you ignore me baby..." He pleaded. I chuckled turning the lamp off. The room suddenly went dark and fixed myself in a comfortable position.


~~~~~ Chyna on the side 


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