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I watched her from afar as she pulled open the door to the department store. She walked through the entrance alarms disappearing into the rack of feminine clothes. Great, now I have to wait for her to finish shipping before I can confront her. Who know how long she'll take, females have a habit of taking hours in stores. My tinted black windows cracked a little allows the brew to come through. I exhaled and leaned forward against the steering wheel rubbing my forehead. I kicked my feet up against the dashboard and rewinded the seat, impatiently waiting for time to pass by. I had better shit to do than to wait around for some girl.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.." I mumbled into my palms. It's not that I don't want to see her.. fuck, I miss her like shit. I miss everything about her; her cute laugh, her smile, stroking through her hair and her body... just her. That night I didn't mean any harm towards her and neither did I force her into doing anything she didn't want to do. I just wanted to pleasure and fulfill her every satisfying need. I can't stand seeing her with that cheating lying bastard Chresanto. He's cheating on her with Melanie and then coming home to her smiling and lying about the nights. Only if she knew what he's doing behind her back, bet you she would leave him and come crying back to me. I could treat her way better than he can. I would cherish and tell her I love her every single day. Genuinely show her love better than any other man.

The doors to the department door opened and revealed her carrying two shopping bags with STYLIST printed in bold letters on the side. God, she looked...beautiful. Her natural curls were placed into a messy bun. She wore a black tank top with a cardigan and white shorts. She headed towards her vehicle using her free hand to dig into her purse trying to find her keys. Once she found them, she pressed the button and the headlights and taillights flashed. She opened the passenger door throwing the bag on the seat.

"Hey." I cooed softly wrapping my arms around her waist. She let out a signaling yelp and slammed to car door. Still in state of shook, she unexpected elbowed me in my crouch. I released from her embrace and stumbled back holding my sensitive area. Opening the door, she quickly dug through her glove compartment. She turned viciously and cocked her gun back, holding me at gun point. Her finger fiddling along the trigger.

"Who the fuck are you and who sent you?" She barked stepping closer towards me. I backed up against another car placing my hands up in surrender. Damn, what the fuck has gotten into her?

"Relax and put the gun down. It's me.. Rakim." I weakly smiled and removed my hood exposing my braids. She kissed her teeth and slowly shifted the gun. She tucked it neatly in her waist pulling her shirt over it, covering the weapon. She crossed her arms and gave me a look of pure disgust and hatred.

"Never pull some shit like that ever again. Scared the living shit out of me. Next time I won't be so nice and hesitate to pull the trigger." She said sternly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and cowardly crept towards her frighten that she might pull the gun out again. She impatiently steadily tapped her foot against the concrete giving me the meanest glare. I stood few inches away from her, unknowingly her intentions.

"I'm sorry Chyna and I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry if I forced you into anything and made you feel uncomfortable. I just sorry about everything and I don't know how many times you expect me to apologize but I'm fucking sorry Chyna. Fuck..." I confessed growing annoyed and impatient inside. Her facial expression was emotionless and she gave me a blank look. She simply blinked as I stared at her waiting for a answer.

"You know what.. I don't have ti-" If she wants to be ignorant and stubborn then let her be. I'm just trying to help her ass anyways. Suddenly, she cut me off pulling me into a tight hug. Her head pressed against my chest and her arms wrapped around my torso.

"I missed you." she whispered lowly. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. I nodded understandingly and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too Chy.." a slight smile tugged her mouth as she pulled away from me and she unsteadily fixed her cardigan, crossing one side over another. She bit the side of her mouth, wandering her eyes around avoiding eye contact with me. Damn, this chick is confusing as hell. Just a second ago she confessed that she missed me and now she can't even look directly in front of her. I decided to break the ice and I cleared my throat, gaining her attention.

"Since when did you get a gun?" I questioned cursiously. She rubbed the back of her arm wearily looking hesitantly to answer my question. She sighed and leaned against the car, tilting her head against the window.

"Strange things have been happening lately. Like take yesterday for instant, I pulled into the driveway of my home. As I was walking toward the front door, the bush started rattling and moving. Suddenly a bright camera flash went off scaring the fuck out of me. The person flashed me a couple more times then ran off into a black misty truck." She paused running her hands through the front of her head.

"Then in the middle of the night, somebody ran the doorbell. Chres told me to stay upstairs while he handled it. Couple minutes later he called me downstairs and he stood there with a package in his hands. When I looked inside the package... there were photographs of this girl... and her body was... I don't even know how to describe it. One picture showed her with a plastic bag covering her face while she laid lifeless on the floor completely naked. The in another picture her body had knife cuts throughout her body. Her body was horrifying and just thinking about it makes me sick. On her face, her neck, legs.. everywhere. Then one picture really creeped me out. It was a photo of guy with the most sinister evil smile...he laid next to her body and was smiled in pure captivation. Next to him was a boy.. he looked about in his late teens. He was chained against a chair and his mouth was socked. He stared at the girls body in complete disbelief... his eye showing nothing but terror and astonishment. When I asked Chresanto about it, he got all enraged and defensive. He started yelling and told me to mind my own business."

"I'm scared Rakim..." I stared at her in complete amazement. I didn't even know how to respond to this. I fucking knew I shouldn't have trusted his stupid ass. I knew he would pull some shit like this. I told him to leave her out this plan because it has nothing to do with her. This only concerns Chresanto but he's bringing this on to her.

"Fucking serious.." I mumbled underneath my breath. I sighed running my hands through my braids. I gripped her shoulders and leaned down to her level. I looked straight into her eyes. "Chyna.. listen to me and listen closely. I wanted you to get into your car and drive home. When you get home, call me so I know you're okay. Stay in the safety of your home and don't leave. If your hear or see any weird shit going on, call me. Okay Chyna?" She nodded and pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my cheek in process. She hopped in her car and drove off, fading into the distance.

I rubbed my forehead and kissed my teeth agitatedly. I could the anger boiling inside me and the more I thought of him, the anger I felt. I specifically told him to leave her out his scheme and he promised to not interfere. You can never trust the enemy.

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