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"I'm sorry... please talk to me.."

"Hey... Call me or something..."

"Miss you like crazy man.... Especially your voice. Hearing your voice would help me right now..."

"Huh.. hey Chy. It's been awhile since we last talked and I miss you. I know you probably don't even listen to these but fuck it right. Apologizing isn't gon' fix anything between us but I'm honestly really sorry. So I guess this is goodbye. I love you..."

"So I went to this new club yesterday. They actually just built it and its tight as fuck mane. It's was coo, kinda like Jinx. You and I should go together sometime. Love you Chy Town."

"You don't wanna text me? No calls or nothing? It's cool tho but I'm okay. Life has been treating good and I think about you all the time. And that sweet little voice of yours... but anyways went to the club last night.. wasn't that bad. I miss you like crazy and think about you all the time. I hope he's treating you right baby girl."

Those were the couple of new voicemails that Rakim sent to my phone. After that incident things have been down hill. Things seem to get being worse and worser day by day. I've been keeping my distance from Rakim and refuse to acknowledge nor speak him. He used to call me frequently but then stopped knowing my resistence. Instead he leave voicemails whenever he's drunk about how he misses me. Talking about things going on in his life and bringing up old memories. I think about that moment a lot and the guiltiness is killing me. I feel horrible and I feel that I could of prevented the situation but I let him continue. All the anger and pain and the cheating just got to me. I did it out of spite... more on the verge on revenge. Pushing the envelope a little bit too far.

Chresanto and I relationship doesn't even feel like one. Constant arguing and always at each other throats. The only time we actually get along is when we're drinking, smoking or fucking. Who knew passing around a blunt around and gulping down alcohol would bring us closer. And whenever were having sex he gets extremely rough and aggressive. He puts me in these weird positions and literally pounds inside me tearing my walls apart. The relationship has no romance and neither one of us shows affection.

Melanie and Chresanto little affair has been a continuous. She comes to his office and pays him a friendly visit. She know the routine and strictly know it's nothing but business and pleasure. But her feelings for Chresanto are still vital.

"But baby I love you...." She whispered against my neck. Her hands rubbed my chest in a circular motion and her wetness grinding me. Her teeth latched against my ear and tugged it trying to be seductive. I kissed my teeth and threw her nude body off me. She fell back against my desk whining out in a plaintive tone. I scooted back my office chair back against the wall and stood up buttoning my shirt.

"We had this same discussion so many times Melanie and I'm getting tired of you bringing this shit up. This is strictly just sex, no strings attatched. If I have to repeat myself one more fucking time I swear to god..." I said sternly.

"So you're going to act like you don't have feelings for me? After all we've been through Chresanto? Fuck her Chresanto! You belong to me and only me!" She growled and placed her hand against my chest forcibly thrusting me back in the chair. The feeling of displeasure and annoyance fumed inside me and gritted my teeth. My actions got the best of me and the next thing you know I thrashed her up against the wall.

"Don't put your fucking hands me. I'm not fucking playing with you. I never hit a woman in my life but you're fucking pushing it." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My head bowed and my breathing seemed to get hefty."Now get the hell out of my office before I physically remove you from my place of business or I'll have security remove your ignorant ass. Pick you choice.."

She rolled her eyes and tugged her wrist. Her heel clicked over to the steel door and pulling it halfway open before turning back around.

"I have you wrapped around my finger and you don't even know it. Karma is a bitch so I suggest you watch you back August." She smiled and placed the sunglasses over her eyes before exiting his office.


"Any progress with Ms. Miller or Mr. August?" His venomous sinister reflecting through the room bouncing off walls. His voice full of hate and distaste. He laid back against his black leather seat with a dishonorable smile that tugged the side of his mouth.

"Chresanto is so clueless and oblivious to what going on. He thinks that I'm just some sex toy that he can just fuck and throw around. Just throw him some pussy and he's numb. I have him wrapped around my finger and he doesn't even know it..." She said boastfully adding foul laughter. He smirked and applaued her encouraging the unacceptable behavior.

"Perfect... just perfect." He turned his attention from the female and focused his attention on the dark tall male. His chair wheel towards his desk and folded his arms together interlocking his broad chunky fingers. The male fearfully rubbed the back of his arm and bit his lip gazing at the ground.

"You see da-"

"Sir" He corrected.

"Things were going well between me and her. Y'know.. she was getting comfortable with me and stuff. But then h-huh.." He scratched the back of his head nervously. The older man hands slammed down against the desk causing the male to jump.

"Speak boy! What happened, cat got your fucking tonuge?"

"She won't talk to me.." He blurted out and a deep sinister laughter erupt from the other side of the room. The chair wheel back off the wooden floors and the sound of his shoes tapping against the floor. The older gentleman snatched the younger male by his collar and shoved him against the wall. He leaned close to his face and a wicked deformed smile formed on his lips.

"You're such a fuck up and sorry excuse for a son. I can't I believe put you on this plan in the first place." He sighed and shook his head devastatingly."Listen up, you have a week. A fucking week to get on good terms with the fucking ignorant girl. I want you to gain her trust again and don't let anything get in your way. I don't care what it takes, drugs, threats her, I don't fucking care. You have a week or your ass is grass. Understand me?"

"Yes sir."

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