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Here I was again with this dumbass. I just wanted to blow his motherfucking brains out right now.. it's so tempting. Pulling the trigger and watching his brain explode. His blood splattering everywhere and lifeless body leaking from all angles. But since he's my secret weapon, I can't kill him. So anyways, here I am. I come here every fucking Thursday and leave every fucking Thursday. I have no sympathy for this man, he can rot in fucking hell for all I fucking care. I'll be in hell too.... watching him rot.

"Please... I'm begging you Chresanto. I'm straving" He pleaded for the millionth time. Ignoring him, I continued to count my money.

100.. 200.. 300.. 400.. 500 60- "Chresanto please.." I huffed and scolded at him.

''Nigga would you shut the fuck up... please. Holy shit man." He shook his head and looked down at his feet. His white polo lofers were now a shade of a dirty black. If you looked closely enough, you could the droplets of blood. I heard him exhale loudly and mumbled something under his breath. He better cut that shit out, we don't do this shit around here.

600.. 700..800.. 900.. 1000.. 110- He started talking again. "Listen.. let's make a proprosal" he said in a strained voice. I scrunthed my face and gave a weird look.

"This better not be some gay shit cause I don't pla-" His face palmed.

"No, you dumbass. Let's make a deal. If you feed me, I'll give you the information you want. Deal or no deal?" I thought about the offer. I'll get my information and in return I feed him. If this motherfucker thought I was spending my hard owned money for him to eat, better think again. I'll feed him... to my dogs. I have a hungry pack of Pitbulls that haven't been fed in awhile so I'll think they'll enjoy their meal.

"Talk." I simply stated.



"Do you have any tens?" He questioned. I shook my head and he drew a card.

"Do you have any deuces?" I asked dully. This was our twentyith round of Goldfish and I'm fucking bored. I don't even know why he tries, I beat him every single round but he still wants to win. Apparently losing to females hurt his ego and reputation. He ran his hands through his curly afro and eyed my suspiously. He scooted the card over the table and I stacked my other cards on top of it.

"I won. Are we done?" I exhaled loudly as he threw the deck across the table. Rumaging through his hair, he placed his tongue on the side of mouth.

"Yeah.. were done. But on important notice, you hungry?" He plopped back on the couch and rubbed his stomach, pouting over at me. "I'm starving like shit.." He said. I nodded and he beamed happily. Biting his bottom lip unsteadily, he pulled out his phone.

"Chinese or Pizza?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't care as long as I was fed. Dialing the number, he placed the phone to his ear. A couple minutes into the conversation, I heard a car door slam.

"I thought he was coming late..." I thought to myself.

Chresanto bursted through the door, startling Prince. The smell of weed instantly filled my nose and I scrunched my face. Great, he's been smoking again. You could barely see his face with the bucket hat. The hat tipped over his eyes and partly his nose. You could only make out his blackened lips.

"Prince get out...." He growled coldly. Rummaging through his pants pockets, he pulled out two hundred dollar bills. Prince swiped the money out his hands and quickly fled the house.

Chresanto waited till Prince pulled out the driveway and drove off before completely losing control. He dropped to his knees and started wailing out. He clutched his hat tightly before slamming his fist against the marble flooring. I was terrified. Part of me wanted comfort him and then the other part wanted to let him have some space. But my actions spoke for themselves. He bend down to his level and watched him cry. Completely falling apart right in front of me.

"It's okay baby..." I cooed softly against his ear, rubbing his back. His fresh tears soaking the material of my shirt. He pulled me closer and hid his face in the crook of my neck.

"Don't cry, babyboy." I said calmly, rubbing his curls. "How about we go upstairs?" I suggested. I heard him sniffle and slightly nod.

Chresanto entered the room not even bothering to cut the lights on. Taking off his coat, he stripped from his clothes. Placing his gold watch on the dresser, he removed his shirt exposing his muscular chest. Now leaving him with only his boxers. He pulled to covers over his body and rested his head against my neck. He hands snaked around my sides and held my waist firmly in place.

"Are you okay?" I questioned concernly. He shook his head, releasing couple tears. I tangled my fingers through his hair.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He instantly shook his head. "Are you sure Chres? You ha-"

"I said no. I'm fine" He said with a strained voice.

For the rest of the night, he simply cried. Just completely let all his emotions flow out. I've never seen him in this state before. He always had this tough, hard shell protecting him. Now look at him, completely broken. The most difficult part is that he would talk to me. If he opened up, I could understand and help him. Soft snoring filled the bedroom. I lowered my head to see him in between my breast sound asleep. Cracking a smile, I gently removed his head from my chest.

"Don't leave me baby... please" He whimpered. I curled my head against his chest and tangled my legs through his, feeling his hair poke my nude thighs. I caressed his chest trying to comfort him but instead grabbed my hand preventing motion. Chres slowly slid his fingers through mine, interlocking our hands.

"I'll never leave. I promise.."

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