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6 months ago

"So he's doesn't suspect anything?" Big Black questioned me as he smoked his cigar. I shook my head and he started to laugh. Soon enough Rakim and Melanie started to laugh too. Feeling clueless to as why they were laughing, I joined them in laughter feeling left out.

I was sitting in front of New York City biggest drug dealers. Black Gross was his government name but in the streets he went Big Black. He's been in the game for decades and dedicates all his life successes to Marijuana and Coke. His street name suited him well because he was very much fat and darker than midnight. But don't let his weigh fool you, this man will run your ass down and leave you brain dead just for the pleasure of it. 

"You know Chyna, when my dumbass nephew over here said came to me with the news about joining our team, I honestly wanted to put a bullet through his head." He took a long pause staring at Rakim. Then he focused his attention back to me. "I was very wary at first, I honestly was just gonna kill all of you and just kill Christian myself but no. You both proven me very wrong and I appreciate your hard work." He got up out his chair and went over to his shelf and picked out a bottle of Patron. He placed four glasses on the desks and poured out some for all of us. All three of us thanked him and sipped our glasses slowly. He sat back down and raised his glass before chugging the whole glass down.

"But thats not the reason I called you guys here. I want to tell you why I want Christian ass dead and why I'm plotting on his bitch ass. Lets begin shall we."

7 years ago

Believe it or not, one point in time Black and Christian were friends at some point. Black would never admit it or say it but they were best friends. But all friendships come to an end someday.

Black grew up in the slums of Atlanta with his mother and two brothers. His father was shot and killed when his mother was pregnant with him so he never seen his father in his life. No pictures and his mother never talked about him neither. His two other brothers had different fathers but their dads went ghost on them. Mama had a hard time keeping niggas and was struggling trying to take care of all her kids. Seeing his mother selling herself to random niggas to provide for food and rent made him mad. He felt as if she shouldn't have to do that. His two older brothers didn't care for the mother and were very unappreciative to her. When they hit 18 and barely graduated high school, they moved out with their girlfriends  and never looked back. So this left Black by himself with his momma. For year she continued to sell herself and when Black hit 16, he started moving dope to provide for mother. The dope money paid bills and rent and provided food for both of them. He was happy and felt like he was a grown man for helping his mother.

When he turned 18, his mom told him that she has AIDS and that she's dying. This motivated him to start selling coke so he could pay for treatment. The treatment worked for a year but he passed when he was 19. So now here he was by himself with no mother, no brothers and no family. He had his mothers body cremated because he knew if he had a funeral nobody would come. Even though nobody loved his mother, he loved her very much. He traveled to Haiti after the cremation and poured his mothers ashes over the ground to make her feel more like more. He always remembered his mother told him, "When I die, bury me at home." And thats what he did. He spent a couple years in Haiti, learned creole and then came back to the states at 22.  With a new mindset and determination, he moved to NYC and started his business there.

By the age of 35, he became the kingpin of New York. Everybody knew his name even 12 but he was too smart to get caught. After years of being in the streets, his mind was focused on the money and he wasn't gon let no bitches or niggas ruin his grind. That is until he met a young boy named Christian. Christian was an orphan and Black felt bad for the little nigga and took him in. He taught Christian everything he knew from fraud, to scamming, to selling dope and how not to EVER get caught. He raised him as if he was his own. By the time Christian was 20, he became rich and was living like Black. But even though Black loved Christian as is own seed, Christian didn't give a fuck about him.

Christian let the money get to his head and when Black tried to humble him, he didn't like that shit. Black let it slide because he was once his age and he knew how it felt to come up. But when Black started to see red flags in Christian, he dropped him and put him back on the streets. He never seen Christian again after that. He missed the little nigga but life goes on. But the year Christian was gone, he was plotting to get back at Black. One day when Black was out of town on business, Christian and all his goons shoot up Blacks trap killing every single person the trap. They stole all the money and drugs they could find. After they stole everything, Christian killed all his goons and left town going back into hiding place.  He moved with his girlfriend Melanie to South Cali and remained lowkey. When Black came back and saw all his peoples dead and all his money gone, he was LIVID. He swore on that day that he would have Christians head. He eventually found him after 6 months and kidnapped his girlfriend. It was simple, show up or your bitch dies. Of course he showed up for his girlfriend but what he didn't know is that Black knew Melanie before Christian and her met. Black sent her into his life because he wanted whats best for him. But when they robbed him and moved he tried to contact them and when he got a hold of her, he eventually told her its either his life or you families and she cracked and told him everything.

When Christian showed up at the location for his girlfriend, Black goons tied him up against a chair and Black handled the rest. Black didn't want to kill him but he wanted to teach him a lesson. All he asked for was an explantation and Christian spit in his face. Black fired shots at Melanie killing her and Christian didn't give too fucks. Christian felt betrayed by her because she knew Black and he felt that it was all her fault that they got caught. So Christian took time to escape and made sure never to trust no bitch again. But what he didn't know is that Melanie was wearing a bullet proof  vest when he fired shots. Black tried teaching him a lesson but it obviously didn't work. Melanie was heartbroken and Black felt bad so he gave her 100 grand to go move on with her life. After all this, Black went back to NYC and rebuilt his business.

Christian changed his name to Chresanto August and changed his whole appearance. You couldn't even tell it was even him. He started a small business called The August and lived his life knowing what he did. He didn't have any fear in life because he thought he was untouchable.


"See kids... from that I've learned to fuck people over. People aren't shit and will fuck you over like they never knew. This nigga costed me my money and my business. I'm still on top and I won't be at peace until that bitch is dead. Is that clear? Do yall understand?"

"Yes sir" Rakim and Melanie responded.

I sat in my seat bored because I've heard this story a million times already. Tell me something the FBI doesn't know.  I honestly wanted to laugh in his face but then I would be breaking character. I zoned out but the snapped back into reality.

"Is that clear Chyna?"

"Yes sir"


As the meeting finished up, Melanie made sure she was the last one to leave. This the new information she just been informed about, she had to report back. She waited 30 minutes in her car just to make sure she wasn't being followed. She drove to the address mapped out by her GPS and when she arrived at the house, she pulled up in the driveway.

She got her car and made her way to the door. She did the special knock and the door swung open. She was greeted by Greg, the security guard. He greeted her and she greeted back with a welcoming smile. She walked to the living room where the CIA sat down all together discussing the case. As they seen her, they all stopped their conversations and watched as she took a seat.

"Welcome back boss. How's undercover?" Karen asked me

"Its exciting. I forgot how it felt to be undercover after all these years." I responded. I picked CIA badge and places it around neck.

"But enough of that. Im tired and so are you guys so lets get to business. Heres what I found out..."

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