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i don't do dares. you know that.

sunlight streamed in the huge open windows, creating patterns across millie brown's bedspread. it was ruffled from her sleep, and she groaned softly as she rolled over, the soft shining light cascading onto her eyes and seeming to blind her for a second.

her short brown hair was caught in her mouth, and she gagged on it, pulling it out. not the beauty sleep she was looking for. she was far from perfect, but many would say millie brown was the epitome of all things good. she reached for her cell phone, eyes still peeling open, and smiled at the newest text in her notifications bar.

9:35 am.

NOAH: text me when ur awake!! urgent.

millie rolled her eyes, pushing her hair back out of her face and sitting up in bed. she stifled a yawn as her beautiful yellow acrylic nails tapped on her screen.

MILLIE: i'm awake, i'm awake. what's urgent?

barely two seconds later, her phone began to vibrate in her hands, a call from noah coming in. millie clicked accept as she swung her covers back, sliding into her slippers with a wiggle of happiness.

"took you long enough!"

millie grabbed her hairbrush from her nightstand as she pushed open her bathroom door, rolling her eyes silently. "chill, it's summer. let me sleep in! what's so urgent you needed to be my first item of buisness today, huh?"

noah groaned over the phone. "listen, millsters. you and i are both aware i am painfully single." millie ran the brush through her hair, leaving noah on speaker as she hummed in reply. "weeeeelllll... this popular kid? gaten? he's throwing a party tonight- and before you object, i know, it's not your crowd but it could be and i need you there! please, millie? please?"

millie rubbed moisturizer into her face, groaning for noah to hear the frustration in her voice. "c'mon, noah. you know i hate parties! why can't you bring maddie? or grace?" noah sighed into the speaker. "i cannn, but you'll be more fun. plus, maybe we can all go! text them. please? well... you get no choice. see you tonight, gorgeous. i'll send you the addy!"

millie grabbed the phone in her hand violently, forgetting about her skincare routine. "noah! you little... dick! hey!" the phone clicked as he hung up, and millie sighed in frustration.

she dialed maddie's number, and let it ring as she pulled out her toothbrush. "hello?"

"noah roped me into a party tonight. can you and grace come? pretty please? he's gonna abandon me and i'll be all on my own." millie pouted to herself in the mirror, and maddie let out a shriek that made millie hold the phone away from her ear. "god, i thought you'd never ask! sure! sure thing! i'll be at your house at five. and i'll tell grace."

"deal." millie hung up with a satisfied smirk, turning to her shower and letting the hot water run as she peeled off her pajamas. jesus. junior year starts monday.

millie wasn't what you'd consider popular, but she wasn't unpopular either. being in the middle was okay with her, as she mostly just cared about grace, maddie and noah anyway.

she rubbed shampoo into her scalp, sighing as she thought about the party she had agreed to attend. this summer had been epic, with not a lot of partying but definitely a lot of shopping expeditions. who needed parties, anyway?

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