• twelve •

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// i just realized that i'm not who i thought i was //

finn couldn't take his eyes off millie the whole class, staring at her in shock.

she glanced over at him a couple times, jerking her head away again as she saw him looking back.

after class, she immediately disappeared out the door, and finn ran after her. this reminded him of her doing this before, after she kissed jacob.

"millie, i swear to god, if you don't talk to me right now, i will come to your house and break in."

she stopped and turned around, eyes narrowing, lip quivering. "fine," she whispered.

"let's go outside."

he grabbed her arm and she yanked it away from him as they walked, her heels clicking on the ground.

"millie! who is that?" finn stopped as a boy with black hair appeared in front of them, looking between him and millie in surprise.

"its a long story, jack, can you give us a minute? I'll be right there."

he nodded once, narrowing his eyes at finn,
before sliding away into the crowd.

they stopped outside, standing next to the wall, and millie squeezed her eyes shut and looked away from him.

"what -," he started.

"i'm sorry, finn, but it's really none of your fucking business what i do with my life. you're not my boyfriend. you're not even my friend. you're literally just some dare for me."

finn felt hurt shoot through his body. "that's all i am to you? a dare?"

millie snorted. "oh, what do you want? for me to say i'm sorry? i broke up with you for a reason, finn. just - leave me alone."

she stormed away, and finn stared after her, mouth open in surprise.


finn glared across the lunchroom at millie.

she was on top of a boy named wyatt, kissing his neck at their table. gross.

caleb looked across the table at finn, a frown on his face. "dude, you have to stop staring at her."

finn shook his head. "i can't. i mean... i love her."

caleb sighed. "dude, it's been months. don't you regret doing that stupid dare in the first place?"

finn shook his head. "never."

he continued to watch millie kiss wyatt, and heard her girlish giggle sound from across the room as he kissed her lips once more, then pulled her up, and she wrapped her arms around him and continued to kiss him as he lifted her up, carrying her out of the lunchroom.

finn had enough of this.

he stormed over to their lunch table, where millie's new friends were all sitting.

"hello, handsome." a girl flirted, a smile on her freckled cheeks.

"sophia," finn grumbled. "where did wyatt and millie go?"

jack sighed from across the table. "back to the janitors closet, i'd suppose. i heard they like to.. you know. get it on, in there."

finn winced at this, wondering how much millie really had changed, and turned around, strolling out of the lunchroom and down the hall.

he frowned as he spotted wyatt pushing millie into the janitors closet. what the hell?

she looked a little upset, and he watched as she started to push him away, then glanced over and made eye contact with finn. she stared at him for a second, then whipped her head around and attached her lips to wyatt's again, pulling him into the closet.

finn stared after her for a second, then sighed and pushed outside, angry. he threw open the door of his car, slamming his head on the steering wheel as thoughts flew through his head. what had happened to make millie like this?

his phone dinged with a text.

caleb - look, i get it that you're upset. jack's having a party tonight. you should come. talk to her.

a little party never hurt anybody....

except for him.


finn felt alcohol strum through his veins, and he bobbed his head to the music as people thrust themselves around him.

he wandered down a hallway, looking for a quiet room. he opened a door, and spotted a couple making out on top of a bed. he winced as he noticed wyatt's hair, and frowned when he looked at the girl. who wasn't millie.

"what the hell?" he asked, and wyatt parted from the girl to give him a nasty glare.

"what's your problem?" wyatt's eyes stared into finn's threateningly.

"do you even-," finn shook his head in disbelief and slammed the door as he exited, thumping down the stairs.

he pushed through crowds of people to the back door, and opened it, gasping for air.

he closed his eyes, feeling dizzy, and shut the door behind him, walking around the side of the house, jumping when he saw a figure on the ground in front of him.

"m-millie." he stuttered, taking in her short black dress and heels, hair curled perfectly, but face stained with tears.

"hi." she croaked out,, her voice was barely a whisper. she turned to him, eyes filled with tears.

"did you- see them?" finn asked quietly.

a tear fell from her face and clicked to the ground.

he sat down on the concrete next to her, sighing as he looked at the night sky.

"do you wanna talk about it?"


author's note -

i'm on the front runner so i'm finishing this book because it's a mess currently oh man.

ps. i cried again at all of your nice comments thank you guys so much. i honestly believe my book is trash so all your comments make me feel so good!

there's only one more chapter left and i'm relieved to be finished with this book agh.

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