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UPDATE: i've been tagged to do this AGAIN, and instead of posting it on my recent book, i thought it would be funny to look back and update these facts! hope you'll read because i think i'm funny! (everything in bold is updated)

hey lovelies!

so basically i'm bored and arika gave me an idea so here's a thing.

I'm probably deleting tomorrow but whateverrr
(that's a lie i didn't delete)
this is called get to know me! basically if you don't care at all, then you can skip it because you suck.

kidding but here's some stuff about me -

- i love stranger things ( obviously )

- another show i really like is andi mack, it's a Disney show but i really love it
(they film in my city if y'all didn't know that it's super cool)

- i'm fourteen years old
(my birthday is in two weeks now so i feel like i'm almost fifteen)

- i live in utah

- i'm A JILLIE SHIPPER. and everyone hates me about it but whatever ugh
(i flipped about the cheating and idk how i feel anymore but i still am okay with the ship and i might publish a jillie book at some point just idk)

- i get straight A's but I hate school

- i say i'm straight but i'd totally date a girl
(i'm bisexual officially now woo)

- i'm addicted to fan fiction. too addicted. like actually it's not good for my health

- i like to be in the car or alone in my house and blast music and then pretend I'm in a music video for some reason and dance around and lip sync

- okay well this one is embarrassing- sometimes when I'm bored I sit on my bed and set up my phone and - oh my god 😂 I can't believe I'm telling you this - and then i pretend I'm famous and starting a livestream and I'm like "okay let's wait for some people... hi everyone! I love you too! I love you too! yes, I'm doing a new project soon!" and then I sit there for like 40 minutes no joke and "answer questions" and "guest people" and the whole time it's literally just me sitting alone in my room talking to myself. now that i think about it, my family probably thinks i'm insane.

oh my god i actually am insane

- i also pretend I'm being interviewed a lot in my room and like hold up a pretend microphone and sometimes pretend I'm filming a scene from stranger things and that I'm on the show and like start fake crying it's not good
(my crying on command has gotten sO gOOD! hAH)
continuing on

- i go to a preforming arts school and i like acting and singing and dancing and yeah

- i always wanted to do something with my life, but I'm too lazy to go actually audition for anything. so basically I do school plays and that's about it

- i made a short film a couple weeks ago with my friends about a chicken nugget that i meet on tinder and then I go to meet him in an alley and get killed and I'm proud of it
(worst film to ever be invented)

- i love mcdonalds. I eat way too much McDonald's. like it's not good for my health.
(i gained eight pounds and now i'm like not eating anything it's bad)

- i am basically a child and go to bed at like 8:30 every single day. ask arika, natalie , avrey, and ava. it's true.
(i have to stay up until like one in the morning now because of jean smh)

- i met my best friends two months ago. wait. i didn't meet them. one day i found arika's self promo and i was like whatever and then self promod my self and then we became friends and then I met natalie on here and then we started a group chat then I added avrey and natalie added ava and now we all talk every single day and I'm closer to them then anyone i actually know in real life and I'm like actually crying right now because guys I don't know if y'all know this but I love youuuu!
(it's been eight months. i miss arika so much. long story. also, there's a new gc with a ton of readers who reached out to me and some others, and i love it so much and i love jean and i'm so glad that i got to like talk to my favorite author and she's so awesome and i love that we're friends because she's such a great person)

that's about it.

oh wait. i guess i should show you what i look like. ugh.

that's me

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that's me. with my favorite Snapchat filter. i actually use no other Snapchat filter like ever.
(they got rid of this filter and a week later i basically quit snapchat. like i don't use it ever anymore.)



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anyways that's all if you read all that i love you 😂
(follow me on insta @aylaa.caitlin and yeah reach out to me! lots o love 💕)

see you soon with a new chapter!

(i mean technically there's a new chapter on my bRAND NEW BOOK, "a broken pact!" it's a mileven au and i'm so proud of go read rn thanks ily bye)

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