Chapter 1

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"I'm really sorry Miss Lane, but you're too late, the deadline was yesterday, all the qualifying portfolios have already been sent," the admissions head spoke to me in a genuinely sincere voice. "However, we recognize your talent and wouldn't mind recommending you to a couple of known studios?"

I only nodded, too devastated to say anything. She had me set up interviews with some public studios and one private client and she sent me on my way.

Maybe next semester, but I highly doubt it. If only my late admissions letter had gotten to me on time, maybe I wouldn't be sitting outside the NYU admissions hall disappointed out of my mind.

"Jae? Is that you?" my roommate Des called from inside. "How'd it go?"

"Horrible," I said burying my head in my hands. "They couldn't make an exception so they just made me a whole bunch of job appointments for some public studios."

"Aww, hey how 'bout a job at the times?" she suggested, placing a cup of tea in front of me. "You love writing and photography."

"Screen writing Des," I said taking a sip. "And honestly I'm up for anything behind the camera."

"Well cheer up! Maybe one of those jobs will pull through."


Alright, so now for some briefing, my name Is Kathrynn Jae Lane, I'm 17 years old and I live in the heart of New York with my room mate Desirae McKellen. I was going to study media arts and photography at NYU but that plan's been busted.

"You know what!?" Des yelled a look of sudden epiphany coming across her face.


"Let's go out! Let's get drunk."

"I'm not really up for a pub crawl right now," I sulked back into my tea.

"Aww come on Jae! The night life of New York!" she stood up to face me and put her hands on her hips. "Tell me that isn't a photographer's dream."

"But I'm not really into that type of thing Des."

"Oh come on! I thought you left the English conservative lifestyle to live in New York as Americans do," she said pulling clothes on and off, already getting ready for the night.

"You know we're not legal yet right?" I called.

"We've got ID's and plus we're British! That adds atleast 3 years if we use it correctly," she said coming out in floral skater dress, a black blazer, and simple heels that made her legs look like they went on forever. See Des was two years older than me and she worked at the times as an intern in their advertising department.

I gave in and started to get dressed. I pulled on a plain white shirt, some black skinny jeans, a red flannel and my white high top converse.

We got to the club and the night life of New York, in that scene, could have just been any other dingy old club.

"Hey can I buy you a drink?" I heard a voice from behind me say.

"Um No thank you I don't drink?" I laughed.

"Hey! British! Manchester maybe? I'm from Australia!" the stranger said in a rather ecstatic manner. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin."

"Kathrynn Jae Lane," I smiled.

"Jae come dance!" Des called me from the edge of the dance floor.

"Uh No thanks! I'm gonna head out for some air! Maybe Ashton will dance with you?"

"It was nice meeting you! But need some air," I laughed.

"Nice meeting you as well. But yeah sure I'll dance with your friend. Nice to meet you Kathrynn!" he said as he offered his hand to Des and she pulled him into the crowd.

The brisk New York air hit me as I opened the door of the club, knocking the smell of alcohol, sweat and smoke from my senses. I looked around and took in the beautiful city of downtown New York, all lights and tall buildings. This was the night life I left the comfortability of my apartment for. Just breath taking, I pulled out my camera and took a few shots.

"It's much prettier out here than in there," I heard a voice say from behind me, also Australian sounding. Were there actually any Americans in that club? I turned around to see a tall, young man leaning up against the doorway of the club.

"Yeah it is, it's kinda why I'm out here?" I said leaning up against a bike rack, staring once again at the bright city lights.

"Hey, you have an accent! Just like me!" he said making his way towards me. "So mysterious girl what are you doing out here all alone."

"I'm not alone! I have the city, the lights, the sounds, I'm anything but alone," I said breathing in the brisk air. "And the club isn't really my scene, plus I'm only 17. How bout you?"

"Too many cougars hitting on me, plus I'm also only 17," he laughed. "No, it's just really suffocating in there. Don't you have friends that might get worried?"

"Nah, just my roommate, she's kinda preoccupied with her own Australian guy. Don't you?"

"I told them some girl was dying to hook up with me," he winked at me, biting his simple black lip ring, sending a blush across my already chilled face. I shook my head and laughed, I didn't know this guy, I don't know his name, where he's from or anything else other than he's Australian and 17, but I didn't feel frightened or alert around him, which is saying something in New York. 

"So you lied?" I smirked and looked him straight in his icy blue eyes. 

"That depends. Are you gonna make me a liar?" he said, his face inching closer to mine, his eyes flickering back and forth from my lips to my eyes as he got close enough to feel the tingle of his mint gum on my lips.

"Aha, you know," I leaned in just slightly. "They say the anticipation of the kiss is more perfect than the kiss itself." 

"Who said we're going to kiss?" He said in amusement, barely brushing the surface of my lips.

"I'm saying we're not," I said bluntly as I quickly pulled away, completely ruining the moment. I laughed as he groaned, throwing his head back in amusement. "We're preserving the perfect moment." 

"This is starting to feel like Ted and Victoria's How I Met Your Mother meeting," he said laughing. 

"I intend for it to be exactly that way," I winked at him as I opened the door and headed back into the club. 

"No wait! At least let me get your name," he caught my wrist and yelled over the music and the crowd. 

"Jae," was the last thing I said to him that night before diving into the mosh pit of sweaty bodies hoping to get my roommate out, only to find that she had already headed back to our apartment.

I didn't know his name, where he lived, his number, all I knew was that he was Australian, 17, and I was probably never going to see him again.

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