Chapter 3

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"Good, I'll leave you guys to get acquainted, boys, be nice," Jessamine said leaving the room.

"Kathrynn? You told me your name was Jae?" The blonde haired boy interrogated.

"My name is Kathrynn Jae," I said.

"Wait a minute... Jae," the brown haired boy contemplated. "This is the girl you slept with from the club?! Dude nice."

"Um, excuse me slept with?" I turned on my heels facing the boy with the icy blue eyes once again. "I did not sleep with this guy, all we did was talk. Didn't even come close to anything resembling physical attraction."

"No physical attraction? I seem to remember you leaning in and almost kissing me," he said, crossing his arms.

"Me? I was the one who leaned in?!"

"Alright everyone, can we just all calm down? Just start over? Introduce ourselves maybe?" Ashton said trying to calm everyone down.

"Ashton's right," the boy with black and red hair said. "Nice to meet you Kathrynn Jae, I'm Michael Clifford."

"Jae, just Jae."

"Calum Hood," the boy with the brown hair introduced himself.

"I'm still Ashton Fletcher Irwin," Ashton smiled and explained to everyone how we had met in the club and introduced him to Des.

"Des has an interview for the senior publicity editor by the way," I said to Ashton, his eyes widened but he only smiled.

"I'm Luke Hemmings," blue eyed, blonde introduced himself.

"I'm still Jae," I said harshly, still pissed off at the fact that I had played a part in his lie.

"Look Jae, I didn't think we would ever see each other again, and the night at the club-"

"It never happened. Luke, from now on our relationship is just strictly professional," I said ending the subject completely. I couldn't afford any sort of relationship or friendship with a guy who used me as a tool to look cool and was my employer.

"We're 5 Seconds of Summer," Michael said. "We're kind of a punk rock band."

"Shut up Michael, we're not punk rock," Ashton said. "Pop rock."

"If you don't mind me asking Jae, exactly how old are you?" Calum asked me as we all started to get to know each other.

"She's seventeen," Luke blurted, receiving confused stares from all the other boys. "What? It was the only thing she let me know about her other than her name."

We all went over the plan for the label, how they were going on tour with One Direction in less than a week and they were desperately trying to scrape together a tour crew.

"Luke, quit being a dick, get off your phone and come help explain the tour," Ashton said to Luke as he threw a balled up piece of paper at him.

"Why? Just give her the dates, I'm sure she can figure it out," he said harshly, which I honestly didn't mind since I was really starting to not like him.

They finished explaining to me the tour and by the time they finished, I had the biggest smile on my face, I honestly couldn't imagine myself traveling and taking pictures as a career, and here I was about to live it up.

We ended the briefing at around twelve and I headed back home, honestly I thought the whole job was exciting, and the pay was great. The boys seemed really nice too, all except Luke actually, which was kind of disappointing since I thought the night outside the club was quite refreshing and different.

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