Chapter 14

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"Well that's one way to get the word out?" I said to Ash and Des as we left the station.

"Yeah! What the hell was that?" Michael said hitting Ashton on the back of his head.

"Ow! I don't know! We just decided, if you guys know, it's unfair that our fans don't, I mean I want Des and our fans to have a good relationship as well," Ashton said rubbing the back of his head. Luke and I met eyes and I knew he was feeling the same guilt as I was, from the way he looked at me with pleading eyes and pursed lips.

"You said this would be bad publicity?" I asked Des as we headed to the arena.

"Well, it would be worse if they suddenly just saw us together," Des shrugged. "And we just kinda got tired of having a relationship that had a perimeter."

"Oh," I looked at Luke, who was on his phone now. Was he tired of having a relationship with a perimeter? Were we tired of having a relationship with a perimeter?

We got to the arena and all the boys' equipment were already set up so we had sometime to ourselves, while we waited for soundcheck. All the boys kind of disappeared to do their own things and Des and I were left to just sit in the dressing room. We were editing the new newsletter when Ashton and Michael came in.

"We're gonna go grab some thing to eat from Rachel's, you guys wanna come?" Ash said to us. "Calum's already eating I think. And Luke went back to the bus really quick, he said he forgot something"

Des looked at me, as if asking for permission, since we needed to get the newsletter done.

"You go ahead. We're almost done anyway, I'll finish this up and I'll catch up," I said to her.

"You're the best!" she said hugging me before disappearing out the door. We actually were practically done, all we had to do was put the articles up and the little notes from the guys. I finished the newsletter ten minutes later and got up to get the signed polaroids out of my camera bag, but it wasn't there. I could have sworn I brought it.

"Ugh," I groaned, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Looking for this?" I heard Luke's voice from behind me. He was holding up my black camera bag in one hand and his longboard in another.

"You are a lifesaver!" I said taking the bag out of his hand and grabbing the sides of his face before kissing him. I took the polaroids from the bag and looked through them, they were actually really cool, some of them were taken in the arenas before the shows and some of them were taken on the bus and some during the shows.

"Let's go hide them everywhere?" I asked him, not really wanting to wander the arena by myself. "Why'd you bring your longboard?"

"Yeah let's do it," he said. "I though we could go for a ride."

"We? I know the longboard his long but two people riding it is just dangerous--"

"Yeah, I know, which is why I went and got this for you," he said pulling out a Penny board, it was maroon with white wheels.

"Luke..." I said, completely speechless at the sentiment.

"I figured since your glow Penny had black wheels, you could use that one outside, and this one inside," he smiled.

"I love it. Thank you," I said standing on my tip toes to give him a quick peck.

"Let's go?" he said getting on his board and started to skate away.

"Wait! Hold these," I said handing him the polaroids. "Now smile, I'm tweeting this."

"We're gonna spread these polaroids out EVERYWHERE for tonights show. Keep an eye out for them! xx (:"

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