Younger Years

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Growing up my parents and I moved, a lot. By the age of five or so, we had already moved to four or more different houses.

Right before kindergarten had started, I had my first kiss with a boy who lived beside of us. It was weird.
When kindergarten did start, I was in the same class as said boy. Come to find out, he already had a "girlfriend".
Said girlfriend came up to me on the playground during recess, held me up to the brick wall and told me not to talk to her boyfriend ever again. Of course, I freaked out and started crying.

That same year was when this little boy during recess would stand on top of the jungle jim and I'd be standing on the ground, and he would spit in my hair. This is why I am so against people spitting on me today.

I wasn't very "good", when it came it school. Okay, I liked to talk, a lot. We had these stop lights in kindergarten and first grade that showed if you were good or bad in class. The green meant you were doing excellent and you didn't get into trouble that day. Yellow was when you had gotten in trouble, but not to the extent of going to the principal's office or having your parents be called. Now red, red was such an awful color and could be why I hate the color today. I ended up with my name in that red circle almost every single day, but mainly because I liked to talk.

I had to go to summer school for kindergarten because I was on the verge of failing the class, just for talking.

It was the last day of first grade, and it was pajama day. I use to wear night gowns to sleep when I was little, so I wore one to school. Well I wasn't very "lady like", back then so I'd sit how I pleased anywhere. I was sitting with my friend Jessica, and what were we doing? Talking, of course. We stopped talking for a few minutes, she looked down and said "Destiny, I can see your underwear.", I came back with "Um, no you can't.", we sat there arguing for a good five minutes. Then out of no where, I punched her in the face. I was sent to the principle's office and was told that I was suspended, and that I could not return to that school the following year.

What did my parents and I do?

We packed all of our stuff up and moved (again).

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