The Unexpected

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When I was in elementary school Darlene was almost always ill and weak. In forth grade was when both of our lives and everyone's around us turned upside down.

It had been raining and we were coming home from the grocery store, Darlene had already been walking with a cane for a couple of years, but she thought that she could make it up the stairs on her own. So, of course she was stubborn. She made it to the second step, and all I heard was a scream and crying. It was Darlene in the ground wincing in pain. She was a heavier woman and she was in bad health. So, we called the ambulance and she was rushed to the hospital. Come to find out she had broken five vertebrates. She was wheel chair bound up until 2013. 

A couple of years after she fell and broke her back she fell again one day, and broke her hip. All I remember is how big the bruise was when she was laying in the hospital bed. That week that she was in the hospital was the same week that our local college had their first shooting. It was a devastating time. 

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