My Trials

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Things were going good between Hunter and I, but in the beginning of the relationship I lied to him. I had told him that I was a year older then I actually was, but he didn't know that it was a lie.

December was a very difficult month for me. Things were great between Hunter and I but not with me and Brenda. I became severely depressed. My "family" and I had when to go see the big Christmas light attraction in our town and when we came home I got in the shower and started thinking. Then I popped open a bottle of medicine and poured a handful of the pills into my hand, and swallowed all of them at once. I was rushed to the hospital that night and was put into Intensive Care Unit (ICU), I was in there for three days. Do you want to know who was there for me? Hunter was. I would call and talk to him maybe 3 or 4 times a day to update him on myself or just to simply talk. After being in ICU for three days, I then went to our local "Rehab", for twelve days. I was even there for Christmas and New Years. I went back home a couple of days after New Years, and was home for about two days. I had gotten my hair dyed, and everything and I thought things were going to be okay. They weren't. I'm not sure what happened, but I think Brenda and I were arguing over something stupid, but the cops were called and I had went back into rehab but a different one this time and stayed there for about four days.

Eventually when I returned to school, Hunter had bought me a necklace for Christmas. With nothing to give him I felt bad. He didn't mind, because he knew what had happened. I wore that necklace for a week or so. Hunter was messaging me on one of Brenda's social media accounts, and Hunter had found how old I actually was. We sat there arguing for an hour or so. Then the unthinkable happened, he broke up with me. Someone that was there for me one minute, then gone in a blink of an eye. I cried my eyes out for hours that night. When I would go to school o couldn't bare to look at him. I then gave him the necklace back that he had gotten me. He insisted that I should keep it, but I didn't.

There was a rumor going around school that he was only "dating" me to make the girl that he actually wanted to be with jealous. Not even a couple weeks later, he was with said girl.

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