The Drastic Change

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Hunter and I were doing great or so I thought. There was never a day that went by that we didn't see each other. Most of the time he would even offer to take me to work, and pick me up and take me home. The official day that I actually said yes to being Hunter's girlfriend was May 10th, 2017.

May 28th, graduation. This was a somewhat stressful day for me, considering I didn't think my mom nor my siblings were going to show up, it's sucks but my mom was 30 minutes late. After the graduation ceremony, family and friends would gather around the "new" alumni of the school and congratulate them. My mom and my sisters were too busy taking pictures together to worry about me, which I understood because they hadn't seen each other in a while. But mainly my mom was taking pictures, always so self absorbed. This made my dad, stepmom, and boyfriend highly upset. Considering it was supposed to be my day.
I mean honestly, it was bad enough my mom was late. What can you expect? She was even late to my grandmas funeral (ex mother in law). But that's just how Amy is. Can't live with her, or without her. I had my graduation party on June 4th which she was also late to. Which was fine because I was use to it. Amy had her upsides but she certainly had her down falls as well, just like many of us.

On June 7th, my dad, step mom, Hunter, and myself went to church that night, and Hunter and I sat in the back while my parents sat upfront. Hunter and I were talking quietly about me hating my living situation, because I would get scolded for almost any and everything I did. I had a curfew of 9 o'clock, and I was 18 I also had to give my phone to my parents at night, etc.

Before we went to church that night, hunter and I were sitting in the living room with my parents and my step sister. My step mom was comparing me to my step sister Beth and was basically dissing me in front of everyone, and was saying well "Destiny you've slept with "X" amount of boys, Beth
never did that.". Hunter had texted me "well how many guys had she been with?", because he obviously didn't want to say that out loud. See the thing is, he accidentally got my step mom confused with someone else that I told him about (Brenda from the beginning).
So, that night on our way home from church, Pam (my step mom) asked to look at my phone, and so I gave it to her. She was reading through the messages between Hunter and I. Of course, she had to come across the message that he just sent me back at house. She showed my dad the message, and said "Destiny, you have 30 days to get out.", my dad then said "No, Destiny. You have until tonight. Call Hunter when you get home and tell him to come get you.". Ya know, I guess something told Hunter to stay in the area, because he was right up the road when I called. I threw most of my belongings into trash bags, and I met Hunter outside. We didn't know what we were doing, but Hunter said he'd be with me the whole time. A day later my dad met me and gave me all the money I had that I had been saving for a car. Hunter's mom, Christine let us stay at her house for the night. Then let us stay at a different house that she owns for a night or so. After that, I spent most of my money for hotels. At first we spent $100 or so for maybe 3 nights at three different hotels. We didn't realize that we could've been staying at the hotel where Hunter works. Originally the rooms are $119 a night, but with his discount we got it for $28 a night. Which helped out a lot. We were there for about a week and they told us they could no longer "extend" our stay. So, we packed all of our stuff up and were living out of his car for about 4 days. We had been looking for places to live that we could afford, and then we found a trailer that was somewhat affordable but you have to have a lot of the money upfront, which we didn't have. I had asked Christine if she would be a co-signer on a loan for Hunter and I (considering we had not yet established any credit), and she took it upon herself to take out a $2,500 loan for us.

So, this was the start of something great, or was it?

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