As time goes on

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After I went to go live with my dad and step mom, it was again extremely awkward living with someone that I had not seen in 10+ years. And also living with my step mom was weird because she and I were completely different.

My parents and I would usually get along, except when it came to my grades, my phone, or boys. Now, my mom, she was a totally different story. After my dad got custody of me she didn't talk to me for 4 months or so. Which is understandable to an extent. My life changed dramatically with living with my dad, I use to never go to church except for when I was younger. I went to church 4 times a week, and even attended a large religious conference in Atlanta. Which was an awesome experience, considering I'd never been in a big city before. While with my dad, I went to church with them for a while, and I eventually started dating this boy, who I unfortunately lost my virginity to. Which was a big mistake, not that he was a bad guy or anything, I just never really liked him, but he was a really caring and sweet guy. It just didn't work between us. I had, had four jobs by the time said boy and I broke up. I worked at a 24 hour diner, Kmart, Walmart, and a fast food joint. And was fired from two of them, one because I stole popcorn chicken and the other was for a really dumb reason.

Fast forward to 2017, it was my senior year of high school. I was taking 4 online classes for college, and I thought my life was going great, I was saving for a car, had a good job that I loved, and had parents that I thought loved me. I even made a couple really good friends, unfortunately I'm not that close to them anymore. May was the month that school ended, and the month that I was graduating.
Prom was in April, and I shouldn't have chose the boy that I did to go with. Again, another really big mistake. To make long story short, he was really mean and rude. And also lied about almost everything. Some stuff went down at prom, and I had an awful time. The boy said some really awful things to me and my parents, so we took out a restraining order on him. Now I can't be even 500 feet near him. Which is a good thing. On the day of prom, Hunter (from the beginning of the story) messaged me and asked what I was doing, and the boy that I went to prom with told him to leave me alone and that I didn't want to talk to him. Which was a complete lie. Throughout the years of Hunter and I being apart, he would usually message me from time to time just checking in on me and seeing how I was.
On May 1st, you'll never guess what happened. Hunter messaged me, and said "Hey do you want to go to the movies?", and I figured since I hadn't seen him in such a long time (well since he paid a visit to me at one of my old jobs), that I would hang out with him. After, hanging out with him and seeing Beauty and the Beast in theaters, it was fun but kind of awkward. I kissed him, which was long over due. And for a couple weeks things were going great between us, and I fell in love like before. This time much harder.

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