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So you'd think that's him and I were a perfect pair right? No, we had butt heads more than anything. Hunter and I ended up getting a mobile home together (from the last chapter) and let me tell you it was hard. We ended up working as hard as we could to afford our bills and we eventually got a kitten. Rascal is what we named him, I use to hate cats before I met this one. Hunter has came home from work one day and he thought it was dead, so I guess he was going to go "dispose" of it when he picked it up he started meowing. So let's just say that cat was the best thing that could've happened to us because he brought us closer. The night we got Rascal, hunter and his best friend for 8+ years got into a huge fight. It did not end pretty.

At the trailer, hunter and I were at work one night then our electricity was turned off. For some reason it was still in our land lords name, and I guess he had just realized it. This was our 3 and last month there. We ended up getting more money from hunters mom to move into an apartment next to his parents on a farm that he had grown up on and his dad had been on for 30+ years.

To make long story short, Hunter and I loved it at the farm. I ended up doing stuff that I never would've done my whole life. We argued some well most of the time, mainly about money, and me asking all the time why didn't he care more. We had lost friends and gained some. Had two friends move into another apartment that was located on the farm. We'd hang out together have movie nights, go to concerts, have "family" board game night, go on double dates, etc.
A year and a half goes by, hunter and had already had 2 Christmas' together, 2 homes together, by this time we had another cat that looked just like rascal and we named the other one Darla and they loved each other. We had been through so much together I thought we were meant to be.

The farm ended up being put up for auction. And they auctioned it off a couple months later, which meant hunter and I had to move, along with our friends, and his parents. We all went our separate ways, and we found a place about 25 minutes away from the farm.

This new place was very very different, but eventually we got use to it. We never really talked to his parents much or our friends. By this time I had been working at Waffle House for a year and I loved it. But when we moved it's like everything changed, Hunter and I had became very distant with each other. We sometimes barely even spoke. We would get into some really heated arguments.

Let me remind you, I thought that we were supposed to be together forever. But by this time I was not speaking to my mother Amy because she had basically disowned me. And my dad David talked to me sometimes but was mainly just through letters.
I had no one if hunter had left me or made me leave. Just myself. I had even thought about moving to multiple different states. Which I obviously didn't follow through with.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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