Life in Reverse

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It was extremely awkward being around my mom that I had not seen in 10 or so years or lived with for that matter.
My birthday was in March. And I turned 15. It was a good birthday, and I spent it with my "new family".
School was another story, now at this school I knew absolutely no one. Plus, it was the biggest school in my state it had close to 3,000 students. So it was very hard for me to find my way around.
A couple months had passed and my mom and I got along very well, some say she was more my friend then a parent. Which was true. We would take late night trips to the grocery store, get food, go to the movies, go driving, go shopping etc. About six months of living with my mom and my step dad, I was texting this boy that I had never met, but by my stupidity I invited him to my parents house to come see me when they weren't there. Nothing had happened, but my parents didn't find out until months later. After this, my mom and I would argue occasionally over random stuff. I'd get my phone taken away often.
I had went through two "serious" relationships while with my mom. But she didn't like either of the boys which was typical, she was my mom.
I was with my Amy and Darrell for about a year, and my biological Dad David found out I was with them and would try to contact me. I was hesitant on meeting him, but Amy and Darrell made plans to meet with David and his wife Pam at a local restaurant. It was so awkward, I was the center of attention and I didn't like it all that much. After a couple of months of me and my dad (David), talking on the phone almost every day, I'd go spend the night with my dad and my step mom.
I was dating a boy named Shawn (which was one of the "serious" relationships), and my mom didn't like me being with him because he was two years older than me. One day when I was staying with my dad, he took me to go see Shawn at his house. All three of us went to the movies, and went out to eat, and this happened on three occasions.
Back at my moms house we found a house that my mom loved, and we were planning to move into it. Which meant I was to switch schools, again.
It was August, and we had been living in our new house for 3 or 4 months.
My dad asked my mom if I could go on vacation with him and my step mom right before school had started, and she said yes. To my surprise, my dad had invited Shawn to go with us. Now, remember my mom didn't like Shawn, and didn't know of the times my dad was taking me to see him, and definitely didn't know about him going on vacation with us.
The four of us went on vacation anyways, we were on vacation for about three days. We got back the day before school was supposed to start for me, and when I got home I was complaining that I missed Shawn. My mom was really confused, because as far as she knew I hadn't seen him in 4 months. So, my mom and I were arguing about every little thing that night. She called my dad to come get me, because she didn't want to "put up with me anymore".
About a week later I was living with my dad and step mom. They took my mom to court and got custody of me.
My mom eventually found out about me seeing Shawn, and knew that he was the main reason that I had moved in with them.
In January, Shawn and I broke up. My mom would refuse talk to me.
When I moved in with my dad, I moved back to the town from the beginning of this book. Which meant I was going back to our local high school. Thankfully, my friends from middle school acted as if I had never left, and we were all still friends, and I even made some new ones.

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